Stop The Games Lose Weight The Healthy Way

By Christopher Rom

The World Health Organization has raised the alarm because of the rising incidence of obesity and the health risks that come with it. Excess body fat is a major health risk factor along with the damage of heart disease and cancer. Obesity has doubled every five years. Also it is estimated that close to 20 percent of school-age children are obese not overweight. Because of poor physical activity habits, excess television viewing, too much Web surfing, too many video games, and junk-food addiction and other poor nutritional habits.

Unfortunately, most people won't change the "lifestyle" habits and look to the "quick fix" procedures to remove body fat overnight. There is no quick and easy remedies to this problem. It's YOUR LIFESTYLE, and is based on arithmetic and biochemistry. One pound of fat contains 3500 calories. To gain one pound of fat, you intake 3500 calories (Calories not spent in daily work output). To lose a pound of fat you must intake less than the 3500 calories. (Burn more than you eat)

An exception occurs when you follow a "Ketogenic" diet (as in the Atkins or Protein Power) - a high protein, and low carbohydrate intake. Ketogenic diets produce and cause you to expel Ketone bodies ( incomplete metabolism of fat) that still contain calories. Fat will be lost that is not accounted for in energy expenditure. Although Ketogenic diets are generally not dangerous, the nutritional imbalances requiring lots of supplements and these programs are difficult to follow, often produce temporary results and are usually accompanied by bad breath and body odor (Ketones don't smell nice).

Losing weight is a simple process but you have to be patient. It took you years to put it there so don't expect it to leave overnight. This entire issue deals with insulin control and lactic acid control. Insulin is the hormone produced in response to blood sugar and is responsible for removing sugar (glucose - the product of carbohydrates from the digestive process) from the blood. If you don't produce enough insulin - you die but if you over produce, you become obese or very resistant and other health problems arise like Type II Diabetes.

If the glycogen (storage form of sugar) levels in the muscles and liver are satisfied, the remainder is converted to fat and stored as tri-glycerides in the body fat. When you are not physically active the glycogen storage remain full so fat storage become prevalent. With chronic high carbohydrate consumption it will lead to chronically elevated levels of insulin. When your insulin level is up you will not burn fat, you will feel hungry, and the liver will produce more cholesterol, tri-glycerides will be high and you risk many inflammatory conditions like asthma, arthritis, psoriasis, and migraines. So if you want to be healthy and lose fat you need to control the insulin your body produces.

In normal circumstances of sitting, standing and walking, unless you just eat or drink extra carbohydrates, almost 85% of your energy comes from fat. Fat is the energy source of a resting body. When running a marathon 50% of you energy comes from fat. The more you exercise the more fat you will burn. The better control you have of your insulin the less fat your body will store. Nonetheless, the 3500 calorie deficit rule still applies. So a 1,000/day calorie diet, creating a 200-500 calorie/day deficit, it would take 7 - 17 days to lose a pound of fat. If you added 400 non-carbohydrate calories and daily exercise (approximately 3 miles equivalent) you could lose one more pound per week.

The best advise is that exercise be at a conversational intensity to avoid producing lactic acid. Lactic acid, a product of high intensity exercise, also inhibits the mobilization of fat for energy. Losing two pounds per week, if you are diligently exercising, should make you happy because you did it the healthy way and it will become your lifestyle. Your current weight is a product of and supported by your lifestyle. Change your lifestyle. There are no true quick fix solutions. - 30310

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Eat Up! Here are 5 Heart-Healthy Foods to Lower Cholesterol

By Marie Nolan

Low cholesterol foods really should be a part of your everyday eating habits. By not adding extra cholesterol to your body, you give your arteries a break.

Your own body produces cholesterol, which is a fatty substance also known as a lipid. Cholesterol is manufactured in your liver but can be over-produced by the overly fatty foods that we all-too-often eat. Cholesterol is really vital for our bodies to perform properly. However, too much cholesterol is not good and is a common cause of heart disease and can escalate the threat of strokes.

That being said, what are the top five low cholesterol foods that you ought to be eating to maintain healthy cholesterol levels?

First - Eat Your Veggies and Fruits

You likely realize the healthy, low fat low cholesterol properties of fruit and vegetables. Vegetables even more so (since they don't have as much natural sugar as fruit does). It's just important not to add cream, butter or fatty dressings on them. While the dressings and sauces taste great, by putting them on, you've just erased the health-giving benefits of the fruits and vegetables.

Add Healthy Grains

Grains tend to be ignored, which is a shame. These wonder foods are high in soluble fiber and typically low in fat. What are these wonderful foods? Think of items like oats, barley, pulses and some fruits.

It's Not Nutty -- It's Healthy

Nuts and seeds really should be part of your daily (or at least weekly) diet. But don't include them if they are roasted in oil and salt, or smothered in chocolate. However, plain nuts and seeds are great. An excellent way of using these is to throw a handful into your soups, stews, pasta sauces and salads. They give great quality and are a good way to get your children used to eating low cholesterol foods.

Go Fish!

Fish are the exception to the "go lean" rule; in this case, fatty is much better! Cold-water fish such as salmon, trout and tuna are all fatty but they are great, as is most fish in general. Just be careful that any canned fish isn't packed in oil, and doesn't have a lot of added salt.

Meat is OK

If you like meat then that's ok too. Clearly, you don't want to eat fatty meat, but lean meat is okay.. Did you know that lean pork without any fat is as low in cholesterol as cottage cheese? Just skip the crispy bacon (sigh).

If you are planning to enjoy some red meat, be sure to add a good-sized salad or steamed vegetables (without butter) to your meal. The healthy benefits of salads and vegetables help to negate some of the fat remaining in red meat.

Don't Undo What You've Done

Now that you are more familiar with the types of foods you ought to be consuming, think about how you prepare them. I've already mentioned several "gotchas" such as sardines packed in oil or nuts covered with chocolate.

You only have one heart, and if you are trying to help keep it healthy by eating low cholesterol foods, be sure the foods stay that way! Become used to reading labels, and ask what is in the dressing (or make do without it).

Keep your heart and body safe with healthy foods. It will thank you for it!

You Can Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs -- Here's FREE Information How! - 30310

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The Best Way To Fast Lose Pounds Thru Dieting?

By Squadoo Fatarie

Getting a slimmer body isn't tricky. Patiently, dedication and knowing what to eat at the right time, you can get that slimmer body you desire. This article explains how to fast lose weight thru diets in a short period of time mixed with a tiny exercise.

1. Eat More Raw and sensible foods : Fresh foods contain enzymes and micro nutrients that processed foods do not. These nutriments satisfy your hunger and keep you full until your next meal. If you want to diet and lose weight fast, then you have to follow this key strategy. If it comes in a can or box, or it's frozen, then do not eat it. You must slowly cut back on the quantity of processed foods you eat and increase the quantity of fresh meats ( not processed ), veggies and fruits you eat.

2. Reading Food Labels : There are numerous foods that claim to help you lose weight, but essentially only cause you to gain more weight. So you should make it a habit to always read what is on the food label to determine the quantity of calories in the product.

3. Drink lots of Water : You can drink a lot of water say eight glasses a day. It fills your stomach and keeps your body running right. You can easily go without food than you can without water. You may find out that it is simpler to cut down your appetite with the help from water consumption.

4. Green Tea assistance : Green tea also help in weight lose. While there is no decisive amount of green tea needed to shed pounds, a good advice for the amount of green tea wanted to elicit weight reduction and all of the other reported benefits would be 2-3 6-ounce servings / day, alternatively one can try diet supplements and green tea fat burners in a capsule form if they actually can't drink too much tea thru the day.

5. Exercise : Check out this turbulence training review for the best turbulence training exercises. All diet plans aimed at losing pounds won't be effective without a little exercise. Some exercises you can engage in includes doing what you like best e.g. Cooking, dancing, doing your domestics house chore, walking round the house or outside and even sleeping. Others may include walking on the treadmill, doing a little light out of doors jogging, walking the brisk for a minimum of 30 mins a day.

If you eat the right and healthy way with tiny exercises, you will see how fast and simple it is to lose pounds fast. - 30310

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Stevia Picked Along with Blue Agave By Dr. Oz To Prevent Weight Gain and Diabetes

By George Napoli

Every week subject of weight loss is in the news. It's not surprising once we take a look at the statistics. There are 1.6 billion people overweight and 400 million are obese.

Now you know why it's such a frequent issue and one that makes the storyline weekly. Dr. Oz a well known doctor with an ABC show, ran a storyline on weight loss and diabetes a few weeks back. The participant he worked with was addicted to sugar, taking in over 5 packets of sugar at a time and had to eliminate sugar from her diet.

Of all the sweeteners out there, Dr. Oz only picked two natural sweeteners for her to use: Blue Agave and stevia. Diabetes and obesity statistics around the world are extremely high. The food trade has been showing healthier foods as a trend that started over a decade ago.

Now, the terms 'natural' and 'organic' are consumers' popular descriptions in healthy foods. Let' take a peek at a couple of natural sweeteners the Dr. recommended, and you'll see why he picks these two sweeteners.

Blue Agave is organic and this natural sweetener is extracted from the heart of the Agave plant and has been consumed for thousands of years. It is sweeter than regular sugar and Agave is a low glycemic Index (GI) sweetener. Slowly absorbed into the body, it prevents artificial rises in blood sugar, so a little works best. Using this organic sweetener instead of table sugar is even good for baking.

Stevia sweeteners provide positive benefits: natural, high intensity, and zero calories and zero carbs. Stevia is a high purity sweetener and is all natural. Stevia is stronger than table sugar by 200-300 times and has been a proven choice for weight loss and diabetic patients.

Uses for stevia sweetener are growing daily and this natural sweetener has both favorable physical and functional advantages. Natural stevia-based sweeteners can be added to a broad group of food uses, beverages, and dietary supplements. Artificial sweeteners with aspartame and sugar are probably going to be the replacement products for new stevia sweeteners, and drinks will be the 1st primary use.

In the U.S., the FDA only granted the first no objection letters for Reb-A's (Rebaudioside -A) use in foods in December 2008 to Cargill. Until then, dried stevia leaves and extracts could only be used in dietary supplements that date back to 1995. Stevia RA 97 is now recognized as a natural sweetener and not just a dietary supplement.

This will bring stevia to main stream quickly. Dr. Oz is in the know and one of the most recognized physicians on TV today. His recommendations for two natural sweeteners in weight loss and diabetes is well taken.

If you have to use a sweetener, use either of these 2 natural sweeteners. Try using either blue agave or natural stevia sweetener and see why this product is gaining in popularity for both weight loss and diabetes. Blue Agave and stevia are available on the web as well as in many health stores. - 30310

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Understanding the Connection Between Heart Disease and Tobacco

By Keira Adams

Even those who love to smoke and chew tobacco are aware of its evil effects upon them. Your personal doctor has probably warned you about its harmful effects, but you can also find information from the Surgeon General's office and from campaigns all across the country. Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable heart disease and heart attacks in the United States and also in the rest of the world. Smokers are three times more likely to suffer a heart attack than nonsmokers.

When you smoke, you are making your heart beat faster, you are decreasing the oxygen level in your blood, and you are creating a rise in your blood pressure. These factors in conjunction tremendously increase your risk of heart disease.

It doesn't matter what it is you light up, but in your mouth, it's still considered smoking. While many people think that the use of pipes and cigars is less of a risk, the truth is that they actually have higher concentrations of nicotine and other harmful chemicals.

A lot of the times individuals believe that utilizing smokeless tobacco rather than smoking is more healthful. This is any form of tobacco, whether you chew, smoke or sniff it. The truth is that this habit is also very harmful for your heart. In fact, if you use smokeless tobacco you're twice as likely to have a heart attack as someone who doesn't. But if you are a smoker using smokeless tobacco you really have four times the chance to have a heart attack than a person who isn't a tobacco user at all. And, in contrast to some habits which are all right if done moderately, using tobacco has no health advantages at all and doesn't have a safe level of utilization.

Yet, there's some positive news. If you're a tobacco user, you can quit this habit and the effects of tobacco will begin to be reduced. As a light smoker you can more easily become a non-smoker and within 5 to 10 years of quitting, you will become low risk as far as cardiac ailments are concerned. If you smoke heavily, you can lessen your risk a lot, yet it might not ever get totally eliminated.

If you utilize any tobacco type, it's time to stop. You don't want to develop a heart condition, so stop that bad habit now. Sadly, a large number of individuals wait to stop till they get ill. At this point, several effects aren't reversible, although stopping can enhance your opportunities of surviving and your life's quality. Yet the sooner you stop, the better off you will be. - 30310

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How Lose Pounds Quickly ?- That Is The Question!

By Squadoo Fatarie

Get this! Get it now! Muffins are cupcakes in disguise. Yes the secret is out. The quickest way to shed pounds is to stop eating junk. Cut out all of the high fat, treats and nibbles. Stop finishing the kids' leftovers and picking at the pot while cooking.

How to lose pounds quickly? Become a conscious eater. Eat with grace and reverence for your food. Write down everything you eat, count the calories and become very consciously conscious of what you are eating and drinking. Cut out all wheat, dairy and sugar and anything that is not food.

Get yourself to your local herbalist or educated organic food outlet owner. Start to build a drugs cupboard of teas, and herbal cures that will help to extend metabolism, improve health, clear out the bowel and purge the whole system.

Naturopaths, nutritionists and dieticians all have concepts about how they will help you to lose pounds fast. Check out this turbulence training review for the best turbulence training exercises. But , most would agree that slow steady weight reduction over a healthy period is best in keeping the weight off long term. Long term weight reduction requires a change in approach to life, quick weight loss may be good for an event or a special dress, but , it isn't sustainable unless a spread of factors change as well.

Increase moderate exercise, decrease the amount of stress in your life or take 5 from it. Try a voice snooze ( rest your voice for a few hours, keep a pad of paper and a pencil nearby for emergency speaking ), try meditation ( learn to sit in stillness, remember meditation builds the muscle of concentration ), Try a silent retreat, nobody to chat to but yourself and the added benefit that the food is generally simple, brown and entire with few or limited stimulants.

What does a voice snooze or a silent retreat have to do with fast weight loss? We add weight for a number of reasons, excluding hormonal imbalances, generally there's some psycho / emotional issues that we are trying to fill up or avoid. Spending time quietly can help us to become conscious of what feelings we are suppressing or avoiding.

How to lose weight quickly? For an important day a liquid fast will do, for long-term results, you have to change your lifestyle! - 30310

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Eternity is Written On Our Hearts

By Pablo Perez

Eternity is written on our hearts. That's why we like stories like the one below, they remind us that life is more than the things we see...

"Aslan turned to them and said: "You do not look so happy as I mean you to be... the dream is ended: this is the morning" - As He spoke He no longer looked to them like a lion; but the things that began to happen after that were so great and beautiful that I cannot write them... and for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before..." C.S. Lewis - The Last Battle

Truly, we were made for God, designed to love and be loved by Him. The awareness of His person is our inheritance. We were born to be fascinated by Him and allured by His Love. You may know it or not, but the presence of God is the environment you were created for.

However... most of us live disconnected from this heavenly reality. We go through life ignoring that, we're "incarnate thirst" as someone said. Our journey is filled with struggle and pain, our minds often overheat with the cares of this life, and our emotions... well... picture a roller coaster and get a preview...

As if this weren't enough, every single day we face an ocean of distractions. There are multitudes of voices calling for our attention. The Media and some intelligent sectors of society have identified our deep hunger and thirst... they know... and ferociously compete with each other to capture the affections of our heart.

Ironically, they are not alone in this pursuit. The God of heaven and the prince of darkness are after the same thing- your burning heart.

The battle at the end of the age rages around this...


Make no mistake about it, your affections will burn for something or someone. Your heart is not neutral. There are deep and strong passions within you. They're like strong rivers of longing that search for an outlet until it's found (the power of addiction is based on this reality).

We may like or not, but we're dealing with deep affections and the charm of many lovers... in a sense, we're being aggressively hunted...

What do we do? How do we live? How do we spend our time and our days? What or Who is worthy to be the object of our desire?


There is a Higher Calling. This calling is not new. Actually is quite old. John the apostle heard it, so did Mary of Bethany. You have probably heard it more than once... that voice above and inside that says: Come Up Here. Come Up Here and I will show you... I'm real... give me Your heart...

We are called to go deeper into the knowledge of God and his Ways. We are invited to join the fellowship of His Son (1Cor. 1:9) and journey into union with the Ultimate Lover of our Souls.

The fact you're reading this far shows that this Calling is for you. If you were to hate God as so many today, the first paragraph of this article would have scared you away, but here you are...

Now is time to listen and encounter... your Creator is calling... He knows why your heart burns... - 30310

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How to Lose Pounds Quickly ?- That's The Question!

By Squadoo Fatarie

Get this! Get it now! Muffins are cupcakes in disguise. Yes the secret is out. The fastest way to lose pounds is to stop eating junk. Cut out all of the high fat, treats and nibbles. Stop finishing the kids' leftovers and picking at the pot while cooking.

How to lose pounds quickly? Become a conscious eater. Eat with grace and respect for your food. Write down everything you eat, count the calories and become extremely consciously mindful of what you are drinking and eating. Cut out all wheat, dairy and sugar and anything that is not food.

Get yourself to your local herbalist or educated healthfood store owner. Begin to build a medication cabinet of teas, and herbal cures that will help to increase metabolism, improve health, clear out the bowel and purge the entire system.

Naturopaths, diet gurus and dieticians all have concepts about how they will help you to lose pounds swiftly. Check out this turbulence training review for the best turbulence training exercises. most would agree that slow steady weight loss over a healthy period is best in keeping the weight off long term. Long term weight loss needs a change in life style, quick weight reduction might be good for an event or a special dress, but , it isn't sustainable unless a spread of factors change as well.

Increase moderate exercise, decrease the quantity of stress in your life or take 5 from it. Try a voice snooze ( rest your voice for a few hours, keep a pad of paper and a pencil nearby for emergency speaking ), try meditation ( learn how to sit in stillness, remember meditation builds the muscle of concentration ), Try a silent retreat, nobody to talk to but yourself and the added bonus that the food is generally easy, brown and full with few or limited stimulants.

What does a voice sleep or a silent retreat have to do with fast weight loss? We put on weight for a range of reasons, excluding hormonal imbalances, generally there is some psycho / emotional issues that we are trying to fill up or avoid. Passing time silently can help us to become conscious of what feelings we are suppressing or avoiding.

How to shed the pounds quickly? For a special occasion a liquid fast will do, for long term results, you have got to change your lifestyle! - 30310

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How a Massage Chair Can Benefit Diabetics

By Douglas Simchick

Massage, whether it be professional massage therapists or a massage chair, will help sooth sore muscles, where you can feel relaxed and invigorated at the same time. Diabetics should know massage is so beneficial that is should be considered compulsory for them. As no cure has been found through insulin, a controlled diet and exercise can help to keep symptoms under check. Diabetics suffer a lot, however alternative and complimentary medicines do have certain remedies in helping diabetics resume a normal life and ease their problems a lot. To less the side effects these techniques are often preferable and have lesser side effects. A massage chair has robotic techniques that can reduce a lot of the complications that face diabetics.

Massage increases blood circulation and stimulates blood flow around vital organs which can be used to help diabetics relieve pain. Effective massages increase blood circulation which helps to decrease diabetes associated with complications and complaints and proves to be extremely beneficial for those with neuropathy.

Massage chair therapy is administered through the use of a massage chair. Massage chair techniques are suited to specific kinds of complaints and general well being because it can target specific areas of the body for best overall effectiveness. As you choose massage therapy always seek professional guidance as to what would be most beneficial for the best desired mode of relaxation.

Gentle massage helps to clear the toxins out of your body which can greatly help with increased health and strength. A massage administered by a robotic massage chair can manage blood sugar levels and blood pressure levels by increasing blood circulation and maintaining it. The benefits of massage are extremely beneficial for diabetics. Massage will give certain party of your body the right pressure responsible for holding back toxins in your body and releasing the right ones.

Massage helps built-up tension become relaxed giving you the much needed relief. There are a lot of pressure points on the feet and different parts of the body where massage can give you relaxed muscles instantly.

The great thing about a massage chair session is that you will not be required to take off all your clothes for the massage. You might just want to remove your shoes. For a regular massage session, you will more than likely be required to remove your clothing and shoes and keep only a towel, so don't be shy. This is essential so as to not have any uncomfortable underwear or clothes constricting your muscles. Usually incense is burned as well to have a relaxing aroma in the small darkened room where it will take place. Massages are usually charged by the hour and the rate will depend on where you live. There are various types of massages which you can decide on after talking it over with your masseuse. Usually light natural oils are used for lubrication.

Massage chairs are the greatest form of massage because it can be on your own time frame and as many times as you wish. Don't miss out on an opportunity for a massage, particularly from a robotic massage chair recliner, as it can be quite relaxing of sore muscles. Your massage chair can be put anywhere in your home and used to sleep or watch TV in if you wish. - 30310

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A Great Weapon To Rule Over Diabetes

By Jacob McCool

The recent medical surveys have revealed that Diabetes is a disease that is growing at a robust and never expected pace. It is expanding like an epidemic covering the whole world under its ill effects. There is no age group left that has not been encountered with diabetes, it is becoming ever present. The visually impaired people are unable to gauge the Glucose present in their blood.

Considering the complications of this life costing disease the WHO and the various government bodies are putting their steps forward to enlighten the ignorant mass and to get rid of this. Due to the combined efforts and programs run by the government, people are getting familiar with the criticality of Diabetes. It becomes vitally important to know the blood sugar level and the glucose that is available in the same to plan and exercise the preventive measures. The people who are suffering from this life long critical disease, practice a lot of measure to regulate their insulin levels based on the readings.

It is truly an essential task that you measure and manage your blood sugar level that consists of glucose on daily basis but for this purpose you need a supporting hand to keep you informed about the current position. I thus the need of a Glucose meter arise that serves as a best tool to control your ever increasing glucose level. Have you ever imagined a Glucose meter that can speak and simultaneously reflect the acute level that you have?

The Salient Features of a Talking Glucose meter :

1. It has the inbuilt speakers that can tell you the current physical condition. 2. The physically disabled person can take advantage of this machine. 3. Gone are the days when you are bond to give larger blood samples as with this technique a single drop is enough. 4. Very few amount of time is taken to display the result. 5. The memory allows you to save the outcomes that you have attained previously and makes the evaluation process easy. 6. It does not require any special sort of maintenance and is very user friendly because of its handy shape. 7. You can enjoy the warranty feature and the device functions by the installed battery. 8. You can enjoy the warranty feature and the device functions by the installed battery.

There are certain cases where the oral results are only considered and there it works greatly. And there could be nothing better than the talking glucometer that can help you with this. The talking glucose meter greatly helps in the cases where the person is somehow unable to see. - 30310

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Adult Bedwetting Could Be Caused By A More Dangerous Condition

By Patrick Miller

Bed wetting is usually quite common in developing children who are potty training and still lack the physical control and psychological cues needed to always recognize a need to urinate. There is no lack of books, training videos and websites devoted to solutions, suggestions and products designed for children who wet their beds.

Adults who involuntarily wet themselves during sleep often feel embarrassed and afraid to mention their problem to anyone, even their own doctor. This is an unfortunate mistake.

Adult bed wetting, or adult nocturnal enuresis, is a condition which affects many men and women of all ages and from all economic classes. Strictly speaking adult bed wetting occurs when an adult cannot control his or her bladder overnight and ends up urinating in the bed. This loss of bladder control in bed may or may not actually wake the person from sleep.

There are two distinct kinds of adult bed wetters. They are loosely broken into people who have wet their beds all their lives and people who have only started wetting their beds after a long period of dryness.

PNE (primary nocturnal enuresis) sufferers are people who have had bed wetting issues throughout most of their mature life. These periods of bed wetting may vary from frequent to infrequent but have plagued the person over a number of years beyond early childhood. PNE often, but not always, leads the individual to suffer from psychological and self-esteem issues if not treated by a doctor. Sometimes physical maladies are the root cause for bed wetting in adults who have been doing it all their lives.

SNE (secondary nocturnal enuresis) is defined as bed wetting which begins as teen or adult often years of not having any such bed wetting problems. Secondary nocturnal enuresis is sometimes referred to as adult onset enuresis.

The causes of nocturnal enuresis in adults are numerous, from physical abnormalities, to undiagnosed bodily injuries, to bladder cancer to anxiety and emotional stress. Certain medical treatments may also cause adults to wet their beds when they never had issues before. Even excessive alcohol and caffeine can affect the chances of an adult wetting the bed in his or her sleep, especially as one gets older.

Talking to your medical professional about your bed wetting issues is one way ensure your health. Treatment could be as simple as a few behavioral changes, or you could undergo tests for a more serious condition.

Adult bed wetting is a serious condition which could be the first sign of a serious health problem. Bladder cancer, diabetes or an unknown internal injury are all different causes of adult bed wetting in some cases. When in doubt, see a doctor! - 30310

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Low Carb Diet Recipes

By Joy Mitchell

So, you've made up your mind to go on the Atkins Low Carb Diet. It's certainly not your first diet and until you've tried this one, you can't be sure that it will be your last dieting attempt either. Every diet you've attempted so far has not worked and you're on the brink of giving up dieting altogether. Naturally, this has been the case many a time before and yet you've still kept going on diet after diet without too much remorse. Now however you live with the hope that with the Atkins low carb diet recipes that you have in your purse, that you'll be able to improve on your track record of yo-yo dieting.

You head on back home full very excited and with plans to buy that little black dress you noticed a couple of weeks. You won't go out and get it immediately of course, no, that might put a jinx your dieting efforts, but with the aid of the Atkins low carb diet recipes you shouldn't have too much trouble.

So, you get home and sit in your kitchen going through the lists of low carb diet foods you're allowed to consume, and you start to worry about what you have got yourself into. You have absolutely no idea how you're going to cook some of these low carb diet foods, and besides that they don't sound half as appealing as Frank's pizza from over the road.

Despair strikes and you say good-bye to that little black dress. After all, there's no way you can live off these low carb diet foods, and you don't even think you could prepare them if you did go out and buy the ingredients. That's when inspiration strikes and you remember the Atkins low carb diet recipes that you have lying in your purse.

You had put the two objects in two different parts of your huge bag and had entirely forgotten about the Atkins low carb diet recipes which you had been given previously. You are happy again and you can see the black dress within your grasp. So now you sit down and create a list of the low carb diet foods that you'll need to start your very first Atkins low carb diet recipes.

The first thing you have to do though, is take all that gorgeous high carb food from your cupboards to the shelter and make a healthy donation of it to the poor. You don't care what your family says, they're all due to eat Atkins low carb diet recipes from now on.

Next, you hurry to the supermarket and buy the things off your food list which you'll need to cook the first meal of your Atkins low carb diet recipes. And along the way, you'll stop off at the little dress shop around the corner and promise the little black dress in the window, that you'll be it's owner soon, as long as you stick with those Atkins low carb diet recipes! - 30310

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Looking For A Nutrition Tea That Will Transform Your Life?

By Aoife Joyce

Have you heard that Green Tea as a nutrition tea is hugely beneficial to your overall health? If so, do you know exactly why? After reading this, you will know all its major benefits and you may find it is the perfect tea for you!

Green Tea, as well as Black Tea and Oolong Tea, were discovered in China over 4,000 years ago. They have all been consumed since then on a daily basis, mainly in the Far East, to both improve and sustain general health. It is only in recent years however, that the vast nutritional properties of these teas and the effects they boast on overall health have gained worldwide recognition as they rightly deserve. There have been immense quantities of both medical and scientific research studies completed, all in the attempt of gaining more understanding of the degrees to which these teas can impact your life. On the whole, studies to date verify that they have the ability to extend and noticeably advance ones vigour and natural life.

Green Teas chief element that gives it its 'marvel tea' authority are catechin polyphenols, in particular epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), more commonly known to majority of us as antioxidants. How Green Tea as a nutrition tea differs from Black and Oolong Tea, is that the leaves of Green Tea are steamed during production, and in doing so oxidization of the powerful EGCG's is prevented. Oolong and Black Tea leaves on the other hand are fermented, which converts EGCG's into other compounds. This detail is what has Green Tea distinct from other teas.

Proudly holding 27% catechin polyphenols, Green Tea is confirmed to be 100 times more significant to you than its challenger Vitamin C and 25 times more precious than Vitamin E! You can now happily become a Green Tea convert on that piece of information alone!

Three Essential Health Benefits Of Green Tea You Did Not Know, Before Now... 1.Powerful as it is, EGCG effectively destroys cancer cells, at ALL stages of the illness! This is due to its ability to inhibit tumours from developing, eliminate tumour supporters, hinder chemical carcinogens and neutralize enzymes that yield cell construction. 2.In addition, these outstanding antioxidants lower LDL cholesterol concentrations in the blood, by affixing to the cholesterol droplets preventing them from becoming set to, for instance, the arteries linings. Furthermore, they deter blood clot development (Thrombosis), which in turn warrants prevention of strokes and heart attacks. 3.Electrons that are in an 'unpaired' state are called Free Radicals. Certain amounts are produced in the body naturally. Attributable to their 'free' state they are capable of harming cell membranes and as a result internal structures, allowing growth of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and also have the capacity of injuring DNA. In saying that, in frank terms, EGCG (antioxidants) has the remarkable ability of destroying Free Radicals!

By absorbing these 3 main benefits above, you can see why for 4,000 plus years Green Tea has been used as a nutrition tea for medicinal purposes as well as for general well being in the Far East. You might be inclined to assume that with Green Tea being so good for you that it may not deliver a much sought after flavour, but on the contrary - Green Tea has an extremely delicate flavour and is superbly refreshing and light compared to your regular teas and coffees! - 30310

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Atkins Diet Free Plan.

By Joy Mitchell

What is the Atkins diet and what will you need to give up in order to achieve the results you've seen other people realize? You hate your size twelve, and you desperately want to drop down to the size six that you were once, although you'll settle for a size eight, if you have to. It doesn't really matter as long you're nowhere near your present size twelve!

You'll have to begin with some working knowledge of what the Atkins diet is all about and what it might entail. On the other hand, if you don't want to get bogged down in detail, you could always just try out an Atkins diet free plan, which might help you to get an understanding of how Atkins dieting works.

There is not definite place I can send you for you to get an Atkins diet free plan of course, but I've found that the Internet is a great place for you to find out just about anything and everything you want to learn. Commence by turning on your computer, it's really amazing how many snotty looks I receive when I state this most obvious fact! In fact, you probably did the same just now!

Anyway, if you just surf the Internet for an Atkins diet free plan, you'll be surprised at the amount of other free plans that you'll find as well. And if you're not dead set on going the Atkins diet way, then you could just test any one of the other free plans. As it implies, it won't cost you more than the time spent on the Internet.

So, what can you hope to get from an Atkins diet free plan? To start with, you can see which types of foods you can eat and which kind of foods you can't eat. If you're considering going with the Atkins diet then in the induction phase alone, there are some things that you'll have to sacrifice in order to stay on your diet.

On that list of foodstuffs, which you may eat and still stay on your Atkins diet free plan, you'll see that you can eat cream, cheese and butter so long as you remain within your moderate daily carbohydrate allowance, but out go the fruits, the breads, the pastas and the pizzas. Basically anything that tastes great, you may think.

However, it is not entirely true, as you'll see as you look at the Atkins diet plan recipes which may or may not come with your Atkins diet free plan. There are quite a few great tasting foods which you can eat and although you might not not it yet they'll include many of your favourite foods, just not everything high in carbs.

As far as drinks are concerned, the same principles hold true as in the other parts of the Atkins diet free plan. That is, you must avoid sugared drinks like Coke or Pepsi, hot chocolate and sugared tea or coffee. Moreover, you must to be careful with coffee, because it can be more addictive while on the Atkins diet for some people.

Likewise, caution is required with regard to alcohol. Some types, like lager or sherry contain too many carbs, while others, like Guinness or whisky are all right in moderation. However, you ought always to refer to your Atkins diet free plan before deciding what you may or may not drink. - 30310

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What Is A Heart Arrhythmia?

By Jennifer Ransome

Your heartbeat is triggered by electrical impulses produced by the sinus node, a group of cells located within your right atrium. The electrical signal starts in your atria and works downward toward the ventricles. As it travels, it causes the individual chambers to contract, pumping blood throughout your body. This occurs between 60 and 100 times per minute.

A heart arrhythmia (HA) is a problem that either accelerates or slows your heartbeat. In many cases, they're relatively mild and will not affect your standard of living. However, there are circumstances in which a problematic heartbeat can hamper the flow of blood to the rest of your body. If that happens, an arrhythmia can be potentially life-threatening. Below, we'll describe a few types of arrhythmias that may require medical attention.

Atrial Fibrillation

One of the most common (and serious) forms of HA is atrial fibrillation (AF). This is a condition in which the atria quivers at a rate that can climb to 600 beats per minute. The beat is erratic and disorganized, and fails to travel the normal path from the atria to the ventricles. That prevents the atria from properly pumping blood to the ventricles and out to the rest of your body. Atrial fibrillation is not always life-threatening, but can increase the likelihood of suffering a stroke or heart failure.

Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia

The electrical impulses from the sinus node can occasionally reroute themselves back into the atria rather than traveling through the atrioventricular node to the ventricles. The condition is called paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) and causes an accelerated heartbeat within the atria. It rarely happens perpetually. Instead, it occurs and ends abruptly.

A condition that is related to PSVT is called Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. This is characterized by the electrical signals traveling from the atria to the ventricles through an alternate route. The result is an erratic rhythm and heartbeat within the ventricles.

Ventricular Tachycardia And Fibrillation

Ventricular tachycardia is rarely serious. This is an arrhythmia in which the ventricles' rhythm accelerates for a few seconds after which it returns to normal. Having said that, if the rapid beat continues for longer than a few seconds, ventricular tachycardia can become dangerous and lead to ventricular fibrillation (V-fib).

Ventricular fibrillation is characterized by the quivering of the ventricles. When this happens, the ventricles cannot pump blood to the rest of your body. This type of HA is potentially fatal is it is not treated immediately.


The arrhythmias described above are tachycardias; they describe circumstances in which your heartbeat accelerates. Bradyarrhythmias represent the opposite effect - a circumstance in which your heart rate slows. In severe cases, the muscle cannot effectively pump blood. As is the case with ventricular fibrillation, it is potentially fatal if not treated quickly.

Not all arrhythmias are serious. However, if you suspect an abnormal heart rate, consult your physician to discuss your options. - 30310

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Natural Remedies And Treatments For Relieving Constipation

By Richard Ealom

Constipation can be one of the most frustrating experiences you've had. For my part, I have to be careful of what I consume to get out of this afflictive condition. There are many reasons and causes for constipation, primarily eating fast foods and foods that lack a lot of fiber.

The signs of constipation can range from nausea, leg pains, headaches, gas, fever and loss of hunger. All of which should not be underestimated and can turn into woes in themselves. It should be noted at this point, that even if bowel movements are happening, you might still be constipated. It's because if you have intermittent bowel movements and they do not occur on a daily basis and are not freely passed, you might still be considered to be constipated.

Normally, we should all try to eat extra fruits and vegetables. This will add volume and fiber to meals and so help out with easing constipation. Endeavor to keep away from those vegetables that are recognized to promote gas: these consist of cabbage, sprouts, beans and foods such as nuts and as well some dried foods. Processed, fatty foods and fried foods are also best left alone.

One of the fruits that should be added to the diet are figs. Well known throughout time as one of the constipation home cures, figs can be covered over night in water and be ready for breakfast the next morning. You can also use figs as the basis for a home made blended drink. Simply throw in three or four figs, add some prune juice and mix. This is a fabulous drink, that when taken regularly for several days will usually help to stop constipation.

In the case of expecting women, constipation is a result of a change in hormonal stability in the body and also because of the weight of the now occupied uterus on the intestines.

Wholegrain breads and cereals should also be added to the diet of anyone who has irregular bowel movements or is constipated. These breads and cereals lend a hand to add the necessary bulk that our bodies require to get rid of the waste. The fiber in these foods is critical to keep the bowels fit and running.

Add exercise to your daily regimen and drink loads of water, as this will assist to keep your system working well and encourage the waste to naturally and easily leave the body.

For practically everyone who has constipation, their first priority when looking for constipation home remedies should be their diets. Bluntly put, if you eat the right amounts of foods in the right combinations, then you should have normal bowel movements and that will eradicate the need for exploring constipation home treatments. - 30310

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Don't Be Shy: Talk to Your Doctor About Heart Disease

By Kim Adams

An important step in preventing and managing heart disease is being open with your doctor about your questions and concerns. You are not the only person who has difficulties communicating their concerns to the doctor who conducts your check-ups. However when it concerns heart health and wellness no question should be left unanswered.

There are those who hope that their questions will be answered through the course of an examination, instead of needing to in fact voice them. Doctors do not always have as much time as they would like with each patient due to their demanding schedules and long waiting lists. In particular, women must voice their issues, because heart wellness in women isn't as much of an issue, even though they're equally at risk.

Questions that you need to ask your physician include things like what your blood pressure reading is and what is usual for you. You must know what your blood cholesterol and glucose levels are and if they're considered normal. Ask your health care provider which tests are recommended for individuals of your age, both currently and in the future.

If medications have been prescribed, do not hesitate to ask if there are possible adverse reactions, what the drug is supposed to do, and whether you should take other medicine, even over the counter, with your prescribed medicine. Ascertain whether you will be on the drugs for an indefinite period of time or if it's a temporary treatment. If recommended by your doctor, you'll need to take further tests to monitor the effects of your medication. If you're on specific drugs, many health care providers will want to test your liver.

If you always seem to get home from your check-up and remember something that you forgot to ask the physician, make a "need to know" list and take it with you on your next trip. Remember to take along a list of your current prescriptions. If you have more than one doctor, this is essential. Add to your list any surgeries or relevant illness that you have had and been treated for in the past few years. This should be in your medical chart so that the doctor can be mindful of anything that might cause a problem.

If you are worried about forgetting what the health care provider tells you, be sure to take notes or even use a recording device to use for later reference. Do not hesitate to get a second opinion if you're not comfortable with the advice and treatment recommendations of your doctor. - 30310

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Facts About Type 2 Diabetes Cure

By Andy Rowde

Are you searching for a type 2 diabetes cure information? Are you diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? Find out the truth about type 2 diabetes cure.

The Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes can either be type 1 or type 2. Most people would consider type 1 diabetes to be more critical and serious because people suffering from this condition do not produce adequate insulin to regulate glucose levels. It is believed that genetic factors may play a big role in the development of type 1 diabetes. Type 2 on the other hand is characterized by insulin resistance. A type 2 diabetic's pancreas may be fully functional but the body's cells are resistant to the influence of insulin and do not take in as much glucose for cell energy production.

What is most common in Americans is the type 2 diabetes. Although it is as devastating as type 1, it can be easier to manage especially when detected early because it does not involve a defective pancreas.

The Type 2 Diabetes Cure

As of the moment, science has not yet produced a type 2 diabetes cure. Even insulin shots in severe type 2 cases are not considered a cure because an individual would still have to rely on external sources of the hormone to regulate glucose. Some researchers are now currently exploring the possibility of pancreas transplants for type 1 sufferers which may also work for severe type 2 patients. Even transplant research however has not yielded a suitable type 2 diabetes cure. Transplants could be rejected by the host's cells or still end up failing to supply insulin.

Most individuals who hope for a type 2 diabetes cure simply have to be contented with prevention and treatment. With proper treatment, individuals can lead lives that are close to normal even without a type 2 diabetes cure.

Risk Factors

Getting treated early is the first step to stopping the full blown development of diabetes. In many ways, this is already similar to a type 2 diabetes cure. Treatment however relies on recognizing the symptoms early. Millions of Americans however do not show any diabetic symptoms until complications that affect the heart, eyes and skin have developed. One way to detect diabetes without the symptoms is to look at the risk factors. A family history of diabetes is most certainly a sign that you should watch over your blood glucose level or at least have it checked regularly. You should also be worried if you are heavier than the ideal weight for your age and height.


Prevention is the best thing to do when there is no type 2 diabetes cure. Not much can be done if you are genetically predisposed to diabetes. Genetically inherited diabetes can simply be regulated through diet, exercise and medication. A lot can be done however if you have diabetes because of your weight and your lifestyle.

Some researches have shown that development of the type 2 diabetes condition can actually be delayed or prevented if treated in its early stages. Prevention lies mainly in strictly maintaining a planned diet and exercise program. Ask your doctor to teach you how to count your carbohydrates and come up with planned meals to keep your blood sugar level constant. - 30310

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The Lowdown On Diabetic Ketoacidosis

By Ned Dagostino

People are mostly unaware of a potentially life-taking condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis. Don't be fooled by the word 'diabetic' in the name! Though diabetics are prime targets of this condition, so also are they who have undergone severe dehydration for whatever reason, as well as those who have had massive viral or bacterial infections. These three categories form the high-risk population vulnerable to diabetic ketoacidosis.

The words 'deadly' and 'killer' are not meant to scare you, but to impress on you that diabetic ketoacidosis is really a very critical, life-threatening condition. The body gets its energy requirements from glucose, which is the result of digestion. Excess glucose is stored as fat. The fat is decomposed when the energy demand cannot be met from the glucose in the blood. The decomposition of fat results in glucose, which is used to get energy, and a fatty acid called ketone.

The presence of the fatty acid in the blood changes the chemistry of the blood and makes it more acidic than it ought to be. This condition is called ketoacidosis. The body is sufficiently competent to eliminate the excess ketones from the blood on a regular basis. If the ketoacidosis goes beyond the normal level and if it is chronic, then the normal blood chemistry is altered to such an extent that normal life becomes impossible for the sufferer. The high-risk categories are more likely to get diabetic ketoacidosis, but the other catgories are vulnerable to this condition nonetheless.

The main reason that diabetic ketoacidosis goes undetected and untreated for too long is that the symptoms of this condition become evident only when the condition has reached a critical level. So it is wiser to detect the telltale signs of this condition as early as possible. These are:

The skin is the first give-away of diabetic ketoacidosis. It becomes dry, even the lips become dry. It is either flushed or extremely pale. Though the body temperature may be normal, the skin temperature is elevated.

The severe change in the blood chemistry can cause blurred vision and similar vision problems.

Diabetics with diabetic ketoacidosis emit a peculiarly sickening "sweet" odor from their breath. It seems very like the smell from a horse's mouth which has just fed on fresh grass!

The person with diabetic ketoacidosis can feel very tired, so tired that he sleeps almost throughout the day. He won't even take part in those activities that he likes.

A person with diabetic ketoacidosis can't eat. He doesn't feel like eating at all. If he does attempt a light meal, he brings it up almost immediately, with violent retching.

The most critical manifestation of diabetic ketoacidosis is related to the thought processing capability of the brain. The person goes through spells where he is completely confused.

The best advice that one can give to a person suffering from diabetic ketoacidosis is to control the blood sugar level by carefully monitoring it. In diabetic ketoacidosis the blood glucose is in a deficiency situation, so you might need to up the amount of glucose by taking glucose supplements. Remain properly hydrated by taking rehydration salts. Remember that this is going to take time, but persistence will pay off in the end. - 30310

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How Many Types Of Calories Are There??

By Ivan Girevoy

Calories, do you really understand its meaning? Most people still do not know what a calorie is. When asked about its meaning, most people would link it to dieting. However there is far more to calories than just a word that is linked to weight loss. Lets see if we can explain it a little better.

Understanding Calories

A calorie is a unit of measurement used to quantify energy obtained from food that is used by the human body for fuel. When there is an excess of calories, these are not burnt and would be stored by the body as fat. There are different types of calories and different forms in which calories may be obtained.

The main types of calories include: carbohydrates, fats and proteins. All of them burn when used in the body and then turn into heat energy, which is generally called calories.

Each type of calorie varies in terms of chemical and physical properties. Here are the basic things that you need to know about each calorie type.

The Fear Of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the most common type of calorie. It is found on foods that are rich on starch and sugar. Most of them are from plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, and grains. Most legumes, such as lentils, beans, and peas, are also rich with carbs. However, dairy products would be the only foods that come from animals which have a lot of carb content. (Kills the idea that milk and cookies is "kinda good for you" don't it.)

Typically carbohydrates can be classified into two subdivisions: simple and complex.

Simple carbs are normally sugars, such as glucose and fructose, which come from fruits and a few vegetables. Another type would be lactose, which comes from milk. Last would be sucrose, which comes from cane sugar. (Rule of thumb is any thing that ends in "ose" is a type of sugar.)

Sugar that is for everyday use is pure sucrose. A lot of simple carbs that you eat are sugars that are mixed with processed foods such as cookies, sodas etc. These add-ons are the major reason why sugar accounts for 16% of total calories that are consumed by Americans according to most health surveys.

Complex types of carbs are actually chains or series of simple carbs, which primarily consist of starches along with fiber, which can be found in all foods that come from plants. However, plants store carbohydrates in the form of starch. Foods that have high complex carbs would include grains and products that come from it like bread and pasta. Also, potatoes, beans, corn, and other vegetables are also high in complex carbs.

Shadowed Proteins

Since carbohydrates seem to be the most popular type of calorie, proteins on the other hand seem to be the most over shadowed in comparison with the fame of fats and carbs. However, it is an important kind of calorie that you'll need to develop body muscle.

Proteins have about 4 kilocalories per gram. Majority of this kind of calorie can not be naturally produced by the human body and must originate from dietary sources. The main sources of protein include: eggs, nuts, meats, legumes, grains, dairy products. (And yes some of these are also those nasty carb carriers.)

Recent studies suggest, men between ages 19 to 70 should consume 56g of protein everyday in order to avoid deficiency. On the other hand, women within the same age range should get at least 46g/day. Those people, who wish to increase muscle mass should consume more protein then the average. (Be sure to consult a doctor if your looking to gain muscle mass. In some cases the increase can become unhealthy if you have any type of heart condition.)


Fats,would probably be the most unwanted kind of calorie by many. However, it still plays an important role in the normal function of the body. The body cannot absorb Vitamins A, E, D and K if not for it. They play an important role in the maintenance of healthy hair and skin. Protection is another function, since they protect various organs from shock.

Fats can be obtained both from animals and plants. Types of animal fats would include lard, butter and fish oil, while plant fats would include soy beans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, olives, coconuts, sesames, and vegetable oils. - 30310

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Through Diet and Medications You Can Control and Treat Type 2 Diabetes

By July Utley

Once people are diagnosed, the primary goals of type 2 diabetes treatments are to control glucose levels and to reduce other conditions that put patients at risk for major complications. Such complications include heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke, among many others. Treatments for type 2 diabetes are life-long - there is no pill to cure this chronic disease.

Glucose Control

Of type 2 diabetes treatments, to control blood glucose is the most widely-utilized. Usually, the purpose is to keep one's blood sugar stable and doctors may set levels definite to each person. Controlling glucose entails careful monitoring. Doctors may have people check their blood sugar day by day or several times a week; it varies by individual. Some people can direct their diabetes with changes to diet and exercise, while others have need of medication.

Diet and Exercise

Both diet and exercise have a significant impact on blood glucose levels. While there is no one diabetes diet, patients are encouraged to eat nutritious, low-calorie foods. They often have to reduce animal fats and sweets and count carbohydrates. Consistency is key. People must also make physical exercise a part of their daily routine. Exercise lowers blood sugar, so patients should make it a priority. Always consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regime, but for most people, 30 minutes of aerobic exercise combined with strength training, most days of the week, is ideal.


Some people find changes to diet and exercise sufficient treatments for type 2 diabetes, but many others require medication and insulin therapy. Medication regimes are individual, based on each person's medical history, other diseases, and individual factors. Yet metformin (Glucophage) is often prescribed; this diabetes medication lowers glucose production in the liver. Other oral or injected medications increase insulin-production in the pancreas. Still others block the breakdown or absorption of carbohydrates.

Insulin Therapy

Insulin therapy is universal among medication-based type 2 diabetes treatments. Patients may use insulin injections or an insulin pump; insulin cannot be taken orally. There are many different types of insulin and doctors may prescribe a mixture based on individual factors.

Reducing Complications

The second chief goal of type 2 diabetes treatments is to lessen future complications. Patients must regularly make lifestyle changes. Doctors may suggest regular exercise, limiting alcohol, the cessation of smoking, among others. They may also prescribe certain medications like ACE inhibitors and diuretics to lower blood pressure, statins and fibrates to lower cholesterol, or aspirin and clopidogrel to control clotting. Regular check-ups will be required. If patients are diligent, they can still enjoy active, healthy lives, even with the disease. - 30310

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Natural Home Remedies Using 3 Common House hold Products

By Richard Ealom

Home cures are wide-ranging and quite ordinary. Countless home treatments are available for your use and trial and producing a full list could take you weeks. The three treatments offered in this article will introduce you to some ordinary treatments for ordinary problems.

(1) Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple cider vinegar isn't simply useful as a component in dishes such as marinades and salad dressings, it has long been used as a cure-all for a variety of conditions. This remedy is also something you can produce at home from simple ingredients.

Apple Cider Vinegar Uses:

(1) Decreased Acid Reflux (2) Control of Allergies and their Symptoms (3) Decreased Sinus Infections (4) Increased Energy and decreased weariness (5) Treatment of sore throats (6) soothing of sunburns and insect bites (7) Application to the hair to make it shiny (8) Dandruff treatments

ACV has numerous healthful ingredients that add to its effectiveness. These contain potassium, pectin, malic acid, calcium, and acetic acid. Potassium is of use in the avoidance of hair loss, brittle teeth, and constant nasal drips. Pectin is used by the body to help control high blood pressure. Malic acid is helpful as an anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Calcium helps to develop stronger bones and teeth and reduces bone loss. Acetic acid may decelerate the absorption of starches which reduces the body's answer to produce glucose.

Loads of recipes are to be had online if you wish to make your own ACV. The method isn't complex, and is not too time consuming. But if you desire, you can procure your apple cider vinegar from the majority of grocery stores. Always go for the most untreated and raw options as these have retained as much of their healthful properties as possible.

(2) Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide Uses (H2O2):

Hydrogen peroxide is not only of use in cleaning and flushing of wounds, it can also be used as a mouthwash, teeth whitener, ear cleanser, and may even be helpful in treating influenza.

Hydrogen peroxide is routinely used as a mouthwash, it cleans the mouth much like it cleans wounds. The added benefit is Hydrogen peroxide's whitening affects. These properties can also help in gradually whitening your teeth and are less destructive than harsh store purchased teeth whitening systems.

For ear cleaning, hydrogen peroxide can be used on a cotton swab for external cleaning or used as a flush with an ear syringe to clean out excess ear wax from the canal. To clean the ears on the outside, just dab a cotton swab into the hydrogen peroxide and then swab the crevices of the ear. It is not recommended to put the cotton swab inside the ear canal, as you can injure your ear drum. For internal cleaning of the canal, use an ear syringe filled with the H2O2 and shoot it into the ear canal, then let it drain out. The H2O2 will melt the built-up ear wax and let it drain out of the canal.

Cleaning your ears with hydrogen peroxide does not only reduce ear wax build-up, it is also a valuable treatment for the flu. Simple applications of 2 to three drops of H2O2 into the ear canal at several times a day drasticallydiminishes the time needed to heal from cold and flu symptoms. Each application of hydrogen peroxide kills the cold or influenza virus on contact. You may only have to apply it into one of your ears, but if both are affected, simply apply the solution to both.

(3) Baking Soda

Baking Soda Uses:

Baking soda has tons of uses in baking and food preparation, but it is also helpful in treating common ailments and is a highly effective cleaning agent - and it doesn't produce those noxious fumes like those store bought cleaners do.

Cleaning Properties of Baking Soda:

Make a paste with baking soda and a little h2o to use as a scrub for sinks, bathtubs and showers, stove tops and ovens, and any where else in your home where you want a slight coarse product to remove grime and build-up.

Pour baking soda into your drains to freshen and eradicate repugnant odors.

Utilize baking soda as a toothpaste to whiten teeth and strip off plaque build-up.

Baking soda can also be used as an excellent facial scrub.

Baking Soda Uses For Common Problems

(A) Put 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of h2o and mix. Drink this mixture for an enormously quick acting and effective treatment for heartburn and upset stomach.

(B) Add baking soda into a bowl of water and dissolve. Saturate a rag with this mixture and apply to the skin to treat minor burns, sunburns, and other skin irritations like razor burn, itching, and poison ivy rashes.

(C) Dust baking soda on your feet before putting on socks to treat and avoid recurrent athlete's foot.

These 3 home remedies aren't the best three for no reason. The uses offered here in this expose are only a few of the various uses for these 3 products. However if you are working on building up your collection of uncomplicated home remedies to treat yourself and your relatives, these 3 are the best places to commence. All 3 of these products are low-cost, easy to find, and have countless uses. From simply cleaning the house to treating problems, these home treatments will serve you nicely.

Home remedies are as wide-ranging as they are ordinary. Loads of home remedies are offered for your use and testing and building an exhaustive listing could take you weeks. The 3 remedies presented in this article has introduced you to some ordinary cures for very ordinary problems. - 30310

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Yeast Infections- Natural Home Remedies

By Richard Ealom

Yeast infections are frequently found below the breast, in the vagina, underneath the skin folds, and even at the lower abdomen area. But you do not have to be put out about the irritations owing to this infection. In addition, spending a ton of money on medical doctors or prescription medications is not a requirement. Straightforward home-grown treatments for a yeast infection have been verified to offer economical and trustworthy remedies for this problem.

It is crucial to bear in mind that the best treatment is to keep your body hygienic and always keep the infected area dry no matter what homespun treatments for a yeast infection that you are utilizing. In order to keep the infected area dry and clean, you can utilize talcum powder on the area.

White vinegar is one of the homemade cures for a yeast infection that you can apply. It has been confirmed to be an especially effective cure for yeast infections. Also, the unpleasant revolting odor caused by yeast at the infected areas can be removed by it. It will help out to ease the burning sensation due to the yeast. All you need to do is to apply the vinegar on the infected parts or douching it with vinegar.

You can use apple cider vinegar as an alternative to white vinegar. This is habitually used as a good first aid when the infection is diagnosed. This approach will not trigger any side effects and do not discolor the body tissues. Thus, it is one of the top household cures for a yeast infection.

There are various other alternatives which can be taken inside the body as well those which are used on the exterior. One such option is ordinary yogurt and it is a highly recommended remedy. Always use sugar free plain yogurt devoid of any flavors.

Since it has good antiseptic properties, you can simply injest the yogurt. You can also use it superficially to be applied on affected areas. On the other hand, do not let it come in contact with the skin for delayed periods of time as this might create some side effects because of the water it contains. Following ten to fifteen minutes of treatment, it should be rinsed off.

A significant enemy of fungus and yeast is garlic. A a small quantity of cloves of fresh garlic can be ground or smashed and the paste rubbed on the infected area. The appalling odor due to the yeast can even be stopped by it. But, you will have to suffer the odor of the garlic in its place, which most of us hates. This is also considered one of the good home-produced treatments for a yeast infection since garlic has very good antibiotic plus antiseptic properties.

Drinking a lot of h2o is the easiest of all these domestic remedies. You need to drink as a minimum four-5 glasses of fresh h2o on a daily basis. What's more bathe the infected parts with clean water. Water is the best cleaning agent, both within your body as well as outside. Filtered water or mineral water is best.

Various herbs can be utilized for yeast infections. One example is Oregano herb. This widely used herb can be utilized for yeast infection cures.

These readily attainable natural home cures for a yeast infection are totally safe and reliable. You do not have to spend a great deal of money on them. As these home-based cures do not have side effects, they are quite harmless to avail yourself of. - 30310

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Type 2 Diabetes Causes - Genetics & Lifestyle Risk Factors

By Jules Hagey

Type 2 Diabetes Causes - Genetics & Lifestyle Risk Factors

Type 2 Diabetes causes the pancreas to be not capable to make enough insulin, or in atypical cases, type 2 diabetes causes the body to be unable to recognize and use the insulin that the pancreas does generate. Insulin is a hormone, which controls the shift of blood sugar (glucose) into cells. This causes a build-up of glucose in the blood, and cells will not be given the sugar they need to carry out necessary functions.

Several type 2 diabetes causes pressure whether an individual is at risk. Devastatingly, your genetic code contributes to your threat. Not only may your family history cause type 2 diabetes, but your ethnicity also forces your type 2 diabetes risk. Studies show that in the United States, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Japanese Americans have the utmost occurrences of developing type 2 diabetes.

Other type 2 diabetes causes are centered on your body type and lifestyle. These causes of type 2 diabetes include high blood pressure, high levels of body fat, consuming too many fatty foods or too much alcohol, lack of exercise, and obesity. Also, your age may cause type 2 diabetes. Individuals are at much higher risks when they exceed 45 years of age, and again when they exceed 65 years of age.

Noticeably, certain type 2 diabetes causes are outside of your power. You cannot control your age, ethnicity, or genetics. If you are overweight or suffer high blood pressure, there may be factors influencing those circumstances, which are also outside of your control. distinguish which type 2 diabetes causes you can control, and take steps to decrease your risk. Type 2 diabetes is much easier to stop than treat and live with.

Primarily, exercise on a regular basis. If exercise is hard for you, either physically or mentally, talk to a doctor about how to get exercise that you can hold. It is so vital that you find a means to exercise, that it is worth your time and effort to make it happen.

Secondly, eat healthy and avoid alcohol. Stay away from fatty foods, and eat plenty of vegetables. If you struggle to stay away from unhealthy foods, try finding low-fat or nonfat substitutes, which are much superior in recent years with advances in food technologies.

Eventually, your health is in your hands. Be aware of type 2 diabetes causes and your possibility of developing the condition, and you can obtain steps now to thwart it. It is imperative review other diabetes information to make certain your health is confined - 30310

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History and Origins of Type 2 Diabetes

By Gregg Phillips

Diabetes has been one of the most distressing diseases known to man, and it has been documented for over two thousand years, but there is no record of type 2 diabetes, or any other delineation between different types of diabetes, until the twentieth century. It was not until 1935 that it was exposed that there were multiple types of diabetes, and it could be said that this is where the history of type 2 diabetes really began.

Roger Hinsworth made the amazing finding in 1935 that there were, in fact, two different types of diabetes. Those which were sensitive to insulin (Type 1), and those that were not (Type 2). This advance was finally made achievable by the relatively new discovery of insulin in 1921, and seemingly came about when doctors noticed that insulin injections were having less of a result on some diabetes patients. In the 1950's, a new medication was developed that is considered to be the beginnings of the history of type 2 diabetes treatments. Before now, there was no history of type 2 diabetes treatment whatsoever, so those with type 2 had to make due with simply using more insulin in hopes that their cells would absorb sufficiently.

Type 2 diabetes history has pretty much run alongside that of type 1. Urine strips were introduced in the 1960s, making it easier than any other time in the history of type 2 diabetes to detect the amount of insulin in the body. This made it far simpler for people to manage their diabetes. In 1961, one time use syringes were introduced to the market, eliminating the need for the thick, durable early syringes that were had to be boiled to be cleaned, sharpened regularly, and were prone to developing painful barbs.

Ames Diagnostics produced portable glucose meters in 1969 as a way to find out if an insentient patient was diabetic or just drunk. Although these new meters weighed around three pounds, more recent technologies have compact the size to that of a hand held calculator.

Insulin pumps, considered to mimic the natural insulin production of the human body, were produced in the late 70's, and were initially carried by patients as a backpack type setup. Technology has impacted these as well, and they are now little enough to clip onto a belt or pocket. Much more recently, oral medications have been released that do the job of insulin pumps, making it so that many diabetics just have to take a pill to control their insulin.

With so much fresh advancement, it seems that it may not be too long before type 2 diabetes history comes to a seal. - 30310

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A Guide to Medications Used in the Treatment of Hypertension

By Sean Davids

High blood pressure is a prevalent condition in the United States, and it's also a dangerous one. High blood pressure is a risk factor for issues like stroke, heart attack and cardiovascular disease. As soon as a patient is diagnosed with high blood pressure, a physician's number one goal is to reduce the blood pressure to the safe range so more stress on the cardiovascular system does not transpire.

In some cases, the patient is placed on a special diet and exercise program for hypertension control. Yet most people also have need of pharmaceuticals to keep their blood pressure under control. Here is a look at some of the most typically dispensed high blood pressure drugs utilized for this purpose.

Diuretics: One of the most typical hypertension medicines first recommended is often a water pill or diuretic. These drugs come in commercial names like Zaroxolyn and Esidrix and work by getting rid of excess water and sodium from the circulatory system. The excess is eliminated from your body via urination, which is why people on this medicine frequently need to urinate more often. By getting rid of the surplus from the circulatory system, the heart can push it throughout the body more competently without unnecessary impact on this significant organ.

ACE Inhibitors and Beta Blockers: These hypertension medicines might be prescribed if diuretics do not work or they may be used in conjunction with a diuretic for better results. In many instances, these medicines might also be the first line of protection against hypertension. These medicines work by enhancing circulation via the blood vessels, thereby reducing strain on the heart.

Other Alternatives: If these hypertension medications don't work, there are other alternatives offered. Angiotensin II receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers and other medication can be used when the more customary hypertension medicines do not work well on their own or trigger undesirable adverse reactions. It is extremely important that a patient and physician act together when going through the long list of hypertension medications to discover the ones that work most effectively in each particular situation. In some cases, a patient will be fortunate enough to discover the perfect treatment the first time. In other circumstances, it might take innumerable attempts to find the most satisfactory therapy.

Hypertension is a serious illness that can have potentially life-threatening consequences if left untreated. Fortunately, there are many options in high blood pressure medicine to get the condition in check and diminish the risk of more critical problems. - 30310

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Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms - Fatigue, Infections & Other Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

By Ramos Venuerra

Type 2 diabetes is the most familiar form of diabetes, a disease marked by high blood glucose levels. Because it's plodding, oftentimes those with this disease have no symptoms or don't identify that anything is off beam. Here are the most common type 2 diabetes symptoms.

Thirst and Urination

The most frequent symptoms of type 2 diabetes are increased thirst and urination. When too much glucose is created up in the bloodstream, fluids get pulled from the tissues. The body tries to lower glucose levels by excreting more urine. People happen to very thirsty all the time, causing them to drink and urinate more often. It may also distress eyesight. If fluid is pulled from the lenses of the eyes, vision may appear shadowy, affecting the capability to focus clearly.

Hunger and Weight

Due to the body's insulin response, the body can't efficiently move glucose into cells. Thus, muscles and organs can become energy-depleted, which causes people to get very hungry. Yet people may actually lose weight, even if they eat more. Since cells aren't getting the glucose from the bloodstream, the body turns to alternative fuels for energy: those stored in muscle or fat.


Since cells aren't getting the necessary fuel, people may become tired and irritable. Fatigue can be extreme, causing a foggy mind or even exhaustion at having to walk a few steps. It can often hit after large meals. People are tired, even if they sleep all the time. This can be one of the most noticeable symptoms of type 2 diabetes.


Those with type 2 diabetes get recurrent infections. Sores and bruises may heal gradually. High blood sugar prevents cells from combating infection normally. Sluggish healing may also be due to poor circulation.

Other Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms

Some people, especially children, get a condition known as acanthosis nigricans - patches of dark or velvety skin primarily found in the folds and creases of the body, like the armpits and neck. It may indicate insulin resistance - a hallmark symptom of type 2 diabetes. Other people experience tingling, burning, or numbness in feet and hands. Still others have problems with sweating, dizziness, or gum disease. Men may experience erectile dysfunction. Over time, type 2 diabetes symptoms get worse and lead to more serious problems with the heart, nerves, kidneys, blood vessels, and eyes.

Around one-third of those with the disease don't know that they have it. If people find these symptoms of type 2 diabetes common, they should plan an appointment with their healthcare professional. - 30310

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