Science has understood the benefits of omega 3 essential fatty acids for some time and these benefits extend to the health of our children. Omega 3 fatty acids are as important in the diet of our children as it is in the diet of adults, and right from conception.
Omega 3 essential fatty acids are found in fish oil. Kids, like adults, should have a minimum intake of Omega3 fats for healthy development and this is now being highlighted by a new study by Associate Professor Barbara Meyer from the University of Wollongong's School of Health Sciences in Australia. This study has found that children in Australia are highly deficient in omega 3. Children in America will be exactly the same.
The study discovered that the average intake of Omega3 fats in children of 3 years was 47 milligrams which was described by the professor undertaking the study as "desperately low".
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) are the 2 most important essential fatty acids found in fish oil known as omega 3. Children in the US, as well as Australia, have levels of these essential fatty acids that are way too low. The deficiency of omega 3 in children has a range of health implications for our kids.
The study noted that the demands of omega 3 in children starts at conception and that brain development during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy required a high level of DHA to be available. Equally brain development during the first 2 years of infancy also required adequate levels of Omega3 fats. Kids need omega 3 for adequate brain development and do not have enough.
Children cannot make their own decisions to supplement their diet with omega 3. Children have these decisions made by parents and parents need to understand that as well as increasing their own levels of intake of omega 3 essential fats the health of their children also depends on adequate levels of Omega3 fats right from conception.
And it's not just the brain development of our children that is negatively affected by a low intake of omega 3. Kids have a range of other developmental and health issues, all of which can benefit from increasing their intake of fish oil. Kids with inadequate levels of omega 3 have a higher risk of asthma, slower brain development, slower visual development, in some cases lower IQ and also an increased risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as other health issues.
It is quite clear that there are important health issues involved when we consider dietary supplementation of omega 3 in children. It is possible to increase children's fish oil intake by increasing their intake of fish however fish can be contaminated with mercury and other contaminants, is expensive and is generally not liked by children.
I supplement the diet of my own children with omega 3 fish oil capsules. When they were too young to take capsules it was a simple matter to cut the top off the capsules and pour that fish oil on their breakfast. They don't even know fish oil is there.
The decisions that parents make about the diet of their children affects the healthy development of their children. Omega 3 supplementation is simple, cost-effective and should be started by the mother from the beginning of pregnancy. Omega 3 supplementation in the mother even increases the levels of DHA in her breastmilk which in turn increases the level of Omega3 in infants who are breastfeeding.
However not all Omega 3 capsules are as good as others. There are many issues relating to the quantity of DHA present in the capsules, the freshness of the fish oil used, (fish oil oxidizes quickly) and the effectiveness of the fatty acids.
On my website I explain which omega 3 capsules I use for my own children (and myself). Visit my website to find out. - 30310
Omega 3 essential fatty acids are found in fish oil. Kids, like adults, should have a minimum intake of Omega3 fats for healthy development and this is now being highlighted by a new study by Associate Professor Barbara Meyer from the University of Wollongong's School of Health Sciences in Australia. This study has found that children in Australia are highly deficient in omega 3. Children in America will be exactly the same.
The study discovered that the average intake of Omega3 fats in children of 3 years was 47 milligrams which was described by the professor undertaking the study as "desperately low".
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) are the 2 most important essential fatty acids found in fish oil known as omega 3. Children in the US, as well as Australia, have levels of these essential fatty acids that are way too low. The deficiency of omega 3 in children has a range of health implications for our kids.
The study noted that the demands of omega 3 in children starts at conception and that brain development during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy required a high level of DHA to be available. Equally brain development during the first 2 years of infancy also required adequate levels of Omega3 fats. Kids need omega 3 for adequate brain development and do not have enough.
Children cannot make their own decisions to supplement their diet with omega 3. Children have these decisions made by parents and parents need to understand that as well as increasing their own levels of intake of omega 3 essential fats the health of their children also depends on adequate levels of Omega3 fats right from conception.
And it's not just the brain development of our children that is negatively affected by a low intake of omega 3. Kids have a range of other developmental and health issues, all of which can benefit from increasing their intake of fish oil. Kids with inadequate levels of omega 3 have a higher risk of asthma, slower brain development, slower visual development, in some cases lower IQ and also an increased risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as other health issues.
It is quite clear that there are important health issues involved when we consider dietary supplementation of omega 3 in children. It is possible to increase children's fish oil intake by increasing their intake of fish however fish can be contaminated with mercury and other contaminants, is expensive and is generally not liked by children.
I supplement the diet of my own children with omega 3 fish oil capsules. When they were too young to take capsules it was a simple matter to cut the top off the capsules and pour that fish oil on their breakfast. They don't even know fish oil is there.
The decisions that parents make about the diet of their children affects the healthy development of their children. Omega 3 supplementation is simple, cost-effective and should be started by the mother from the beginning of pregnancy. Omega 3 supplementation in the mother even increases the levels of DHA in her breastmilk which in turn increases the level of Omega3 in infants who are breastfeeding.
However not all Omega 3 capsules are as good as others. There are many issues relating to the quantity of DHA present in the capsules, the freshness of the fish oil used, (fish oil oxidizes quickly) and the effectiveness of the fatty acids.
On my website I explain which omega 3 capsules I use for my own children (and myself). Visit my website to find out. - 30310
About the Author:
Want to know more about the benefits of Fish Oil? Or more about Children Omega 3 needs? Visit Peter's Website Healthy Omega 3 Fish Oil.