Following the Atkins Diet

By Michael James

The short name for the 'Atkins Nutritional Approach' is the 'Atkins Diet', which was the brainchild of Doctor Robert Atkins. He had put on a lot of weight while in medical school and after reading about a certain diet in the medical journal, he decided to improve it and release it under his own name.

Atkins, in his Atkins diet book, stated that he was sure that the prevalent theories about weight gain were terribly wrong. First, he dismissed the notion that saturated fats were bad for weight loss; instead he said it was it was the carbohydrates that caused the weight problems Americans have these days. Atkins held that on the contrary, our obsession with avoiding fat actually worsened the problem. He pointed out that the low-fat diet foods on the market were high in carbohydrates but were not helping the nation, which probably meant that people on a 'normal' diet often ate foods that were worse for them than what they had been eating before.

The Atkins diet shifted the focus. Atkins said that by cutting out carbohydrates, people would burn stored body fats. And if you lose the fat, you lose the weight. He said it was not just a matter of eating less. Dr. Atkins held that your diet could actually help you burn calories. The Atkins diet supposedly burned more calories than were consumed everyday. But the claims were contested.

Dr. Atkins also touted the positive influence that his diet should have on suffers of Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is a disease you usually get early in life, but Type 2 is more often closely associated with diet and excess body weight. Therefore, it should follow that any diet that helps reduce weight, will help people with Type 2 diabetes. The Atkins diet is low in carbohydrates, which must be avoided by those with Type 2 diabetes regardless of the caloric intake, which the Atkins diet does, so Atkins claimed that those who suffer Type 2 diabetes would no longer need medication such as insulin. Doctors do not agree with Atkins on this point, although they do agree, that a lower carbohydrate intake helps control Type 2 diabetes, but there is no proof that carbohydrates cause diabetes.

What are the procedures one has to follow to do the Atkins diet? It goes in four phases - Induction; On-Going Weight loss; Pre-maintenance; and Lifetime Maintenance. Here follows a brief precis of the most important phase - The Induction Phase.

The Induction phase is the most difficult phase of the Atkins diet. Atkins is flexible about the time period " but recommends it lasts for two weeks. During this phase carbohydrates are severely curtailed " you can only consume up to 20 grams per day. The goal is to enter a fat burning metabolic phase called ketosis when the body, starved of glucose, will start converting stored fat into fatty acids needed to power the body. Weight loss during this phase can be extreme " some Atkins followers reported losses of 5-10 pounds a week or more.

Learning the ideal carbohydrate levels for weight loss and for day to day intake after the weight loss ends, are the aims of the three final phases in the Atkins diet. Millions of people are still losing the weight they want to on this diet " but beware the dangers of taking in too much fat. - 30310

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Is There A Warp Speed Method To Lose Fat?

By Richard Bernard

What is the best way to lose pounds? Countless people today want the solution to this to help them take off the pounds as rapidly as achievable.

You hear stories daily about those who have dropped thirty plus pounds seemingly overnight, but is it actually achievable? In reality, it is doable to lose fat quickly, but it is also vital to stay healthy at the same time.

There are lots of quick methods that, pure and simple, are detrimental to your health. In some instances, they have even proved lethal.

The fact is, there are no ways to lose pounds overnight that will not harm your health. One of the fastest ways to lose weight is diet pills, but these most certainly are not safe. A lot of of them have caused extremely injurious long term effects, and in several cases fatalities. Consequently, you unquestionably want to avoid diet tablets.

Of course, anorexia and bulimia are problems that are very common among the speedy weight loss gang. Again, losing lbs at the cost of your health is simply not worth it.

It should be no surprise that simply not eating for lengthy time periods can have very grave side effects, so you unquestionably want to steer clear of hunger diets, which are broadly used in the present day. In addition, endeavor to keep away from diets that depend on one specific type of food.

I do not care how nutritious a food may be, you need more than cabbage soup to stay healthy (I am obviously alluding to the cabbage soup diet, but there are many similar ones you ought to avoid). I know from personal experience that extremely limiting diets are just not sustainable.

One in particular I tried is the alkaline diet, and while this may be a healthy way of consuming food, it simply is not one that you can persist in following, as it eliminates so many of your favorite foods. At least, this was my experience. I found myself pigging out just about every other day.

Do not misunderstand me, I am a huge supporter of vegetarian diets as the fastest way to take off weight (and the healthiest), but the Alkaline Diet is one I advise you to avoid, even though it is promoted by some fairly big names whom I won't name.

Still another of the fastest ways to take off weight is using surgical procedures. Once again, whilst this might work to help you realize immediate results you desire, the long term side effects are exceptionally risky to your health.

The bottom line is that you must focus on healthy methods, and lots of today's strategies simply are very unsafe if not downright suicidal to your health. These are just a few you need to avoid, and make sure to never do any of the above at all costs.

You no doubt do not want to hear this, as it tends to get monotonous, but you just can not get thinner in a healthy way without exercising. Aerobic exercise is the best and lifting weights tends to help you increase muscle and burn fat.

I advise you to try some kind of dynamic aerobic exercise as a minimum daily. It does not have to be for hours, but you'd be amazed at what even 15 to 20 minutes can do to help you reach your goals.

naturally, the more rigorous the workout, the better, however having said that, even making it a point to walk daily can really work wonders. Exercise and a sound diet are the best way to take off weight, and do not get lured by anyone who tells you otherwise. - 30310

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Do You Have Children? Fish Oil Should Feature Prominently In Their Diet.

By Peter Bertonach

Science has understood the benefits of omega 3 essential fatty acids for some time and these benefits extend to the health of our children. Omega 3 fatty acids are as important in the diet of our children as it is in the diet of adults, and right from conception.

Omega 3 essential fatty acids are found in fish oil. Kids, like adults, should have a minimum intake of Omega3 fats for healthy development and this is now being highlighted by a new study by Associate Professor Barbara Meyer from the University of Wollongong's School of Health Sciences in Australia. This study has found that children in Australia are highly deficient in omega 3. Children in America will be exactly the same.

The study discovered that the average intake of Omega3 fats in children of 3 years was 47 milligrams which was described by the professor undertaking the study as "desperately low".

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) are the 2 most important essential fatty acids found in fish oil known as omega 3. Children in the US, as well as Australia, have levels of these essential fatty acids that are way too low. The deficiency of omega 3 in children has a range of health implications for our kids.

The study noted that the demands of omega 3 in children starts at conception and that brain development during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy required a high level of DHA to be available. Equally brain development during the first 2 years of infancy also required adequate levels of Omega3 fats. Kids need omega 3 for adequate brain development and do not have enough.

Children cannot make their own decisions to supplement their diet with omega 3. Children have these decisions made by parents and parents need to understand that as well as increasing their own levels of intake of omega 3 essential fats the health of their children also depends on adequate levels of Omega3 fats right from conception.

And it's not just the brain development of our children that is negatively affected by a low intake of omega 3. Kids have a range of other developmental and health issues, all of which can benefit from increasing their intake of fish oil. Kids with inadequate levels of omega 3 have a higher risk of asthma, slower brain development, slower visual development, in some cases lower IQ and also an increased risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as other health issues.

It is quite clear that there are important health issues involved when we consider dietary supplementation of omega 3 in children. It is possible to increase children's fish oil intake by increasing their intake of fish however fish can be contaminated with mercury and other contaminants, is expensive and is generally not liked by children.

I supplement the diet of my own children with omega 3 fish oil capsules. When they were too young to take capsules it was a simple matter to cut the top off the capsules and pour that fish oil on their breakfast. They don't even know fish oil is there.

The decisions that parents make about the diet of their children affects the healthy development of their children. Omega 3 supplementation is simple, cost-effective and should be started by the mother from the beginning of pregnancy. Omega 3 supplementation in the mother even increases the levels of DHA in her breastmilk which in turn increases the level of Omega3 in infants who are breastfeeding.

However not all Omega 3 capsules are as good as others. There are many issues relating to the quantity of DHA present in the capsules, the freshness of the fish oil used, (fish oil oxidizes quickly) and the effectiveness of the fatty acids.

On my website I explain which omega 3 capsules I use for my own children (and myself). Visit my website to find out. - 30310

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Are Fish Oil Pills Good For You And Should You Be Taking Them Every Day?

By Peter Bertonach

Fish oil pills are big business. In fact sales of fish oil pills, or what can be known as Omega 3 capsules or even as omega 3 supplements, are growing faster than any other nutritional supplement in history. Lets have a look at why and consider whether you should also be taking daily supplements of omega 3.

Fish oil contains 2 essential fatty acids called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and these are good fats. You may have heard that fat in your diet is bad for you but that is not necessarily true. Some fat in your diet is good for you.

There are some bad fats, in particular saturated fat which is primarily found in animal products such as red meat and chicken. However there are also good fats which are extremely important to your health. The omega 3 fatty acids called essential fatty acids are extremely important to your health and are not manufactured in your body. Therefore the only way you can get Omega 3 fatty acids into you is by taking fish oil pills, or eating a lot of fish.

It is common knowledge, confirmed by studies, that US citizens eat way too little fish and therefore their intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids is inadequate. There are studies which have shown that citizens in countries where fish is on the menu almost daily have much better health and in particular much better heart health then we do and that this is a result of their higher intake of fish and seafood products.

There's many health benefits from essential fatty acids called omega 3 fats. These benefits include many heart health benefits and the American Heart Association recognizes this, recommending we have a minimum intake of DHA and EPA every week. The AHA tells us to do this by eating more fish or taking fish oil pills daily.

The benefits of increasing our intake of omega 3 include a reduced risk of heart attack causing death, lower blood pressure, lower triglycerides, reduced plaque in the arteries as well as improvements in brain function and memory, reduced incidence of macular degeneration causing blindness and a reduction in the risk or the effects of many inflammatory diseases like arthritis. And that's not all.

There is also ample evidence that pregnant women should be taking Omega 3 supplements because DHA and EPA, and in particular DHA, is an essential part of brain development and that if pregnant women are DHA deficient this can negatively affect the brain development of the fetus. Equally it is important for breastfeeding women to supplement with DHA and EPA because these become available to the infant through the breastmilk, and are important to the infant for the same reason. Studies show that children with an adequate supply of Omega3 fats through their developmental years do better on IQ tests.

Clearly we should all be increasing our intake of DHA and EPA, but how do you do that? Eating more fish is one option. However fish is very expensive and there are only certain fish which have high levels of these essential fatty acids. And fish is generally contaminated with nasty toxins such as PCBs, mercury, pesticides and various heavy metals and the EPA tells us not to eat too much fish because of this.

Fish oil pills offer the ideal answer. These are small capsules of fish oil which are simple to take everyday, and although children may struggle taking them it is a simple matter to cut the top off and poor the oil onto their food. The very best fish oil pills are free of contamination and are extremely cost-effective to take daily.

However the best fish oil pills contain far more DHA, the most important Omega 3 fat, than the worst and for this reason it is difficult to compare the different omega 3 supplements available.

For some time I have been giving fish oil pills to my family and taking them myself with my breakfast. I buy the fish oil pills that I consider to be the worlds best. To find out which Omega 3 supplements I consider to be the best visit my website. - 30310

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Looking For A Nutrition Tea More Powerful Than Vitamin C?

By Aoife Joyce

Are you aware of Green Tea being a superb nutrition tea? If so, are you still unsure about exactly what it is that makes its benefits so immeasurable? If you are among the many thousands who know of Green Tea, but do not know any specifics about its goodness, then keep reading, as you will soon find out some surprising specifics!

Green Tea, as well as Black Tea and Oolong Tea, were discovered in China over 4,000 years ago. They have all been consumed since then on a daily basis, mainly in the Far East, to both improve and sustain general health. It is only in recent years however, that the vast nutritional properties of these teas and the effects they boast on overall health have gained worldwide recognition as they rightly deserve. There have been immense quantities of both medical and scientific research studies completed, all in the attempt of gaining more understanding of the degrees to which these teas can impact your life. On the whole, studies to date verify that they have the ability to extend and noticeably advance ones vigour and natural life.

Green Teas chief element that gives it its 'marvel tea' authority are catechin polyphenols, in particular epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), more commonly known to majority of us as antioxidants. How Green Tea as a nutrition tea differs from Black and Oolong Tea, is that the leaves of Green Tea are steamed during production, and in doing so oxidization of the powerful EGCG's is prevented. Oolong and Black Tea leaves on the other hand are fermented, which converts EGCG's into other compounds. This detail is what has Green Tea distinct from other teas.

While Green Tea proudly holds 27% catechin polyphenols, it is proven to be 100 times more valuable to you than its contender Vitamin C and 25 times more valuable than Vitamin E! You now have your first thrilling reason to instantly become a Green Tea convert!

Three Key Health Benefits Of Green Tea You Did Not Know, Until Now... 1.EGCG essentially kills cancer cells, at EVERY stage of cancer! This is possible as it inhibits development of tumours, eradicates tumour supporters, deactivates enzymes that give rise to cell production and obstructs chemical carcinogens 2.Moreover, these superb antioxidants lower LDL cholesterol intensity in the blood, by fixing themselves to the cholesterol beads stopping them from becoming fixed to the lining of the arteries for instance. In addition to this, they hinder blood clot formation (Thrombosis), which ensures prevention of heart attacks and strokes. 3.Unpaired electrons that are produced naturally in the body to a quantity are called Free Radicals. Due to their 'free' state they cause harm to cell membranes and thus internal structures, permitting maturity of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and are also capable of injuring DNA. Yet, on an optimistic note, in simple terms, EGCG (antioxidants) has the amazing capability of killing Free Radicals!

By absorbing these 3 main benefits above, you can see why for 4,000 plus years Green Tea has been used as a nutrition tea for medicinal purposes as well as for general well being in the Far East. You might be inclined to assume that with Green Tea being so good for you that it may not deliver a much sought after flavour, but on the contrary - Green Tea has an extremely delicate flavour and is superbly refreshing and light compared to your regular teas and coffees! - 30310

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Can You Help Prevent Bowel Cancer Taking Fish Oil Tablets?

By Peter Bertonach

Fish oil tablets contain 2 essential fatty acids called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), which are otherwise known as omega 3 essential fatty acids. Over the last 40 years many studies have established the benefits of Omega3 fats to many areas of our health including our heart health. Studies have also shown a link between fish oil and breast cancer prevention and fish oil and prostate cancer prevention. However there are now studies which also show that increasing your intake of fish oil may help to prevent bowel cancer.

A Scottish study examines the benefits of increasing the intake of omega 3 fatty acids. The results of the study found that by increasing your intake of DHA and EPA you can reduce your risk of colorectal cancer by anything up to around 40 percent. And the study also noted that this result will not be achieved if you increase your intake of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), a plant-based omega 3 fatty acid.

The researchers found clear evidence that those with the highest intake of fish had a lower risk of bowel cancer and that those with a lower intake of fish had a higher risk of colon cancer.

Another study in the Netherlands combined the results of-- studies on omega 3 and bowel cancer and found that the overall results showed that there was a lower risk of bowel cancer for those with the highest intake of fish and that it was possible to estimate the risk reduction according to the number of fish meals eaten, including that one meal of fish per week produced an estimated 4 percent reduction in the risk of colon cancer, meaning that 2 fish meals per week produced an estimated reduction in the risk of bowel cancer of around 8 percent.

The average levels of fish intake of people in the US is way below that which would achieve these significant results in helping to prevent bowel cancer.

Of course increasing your intake of fish or fish oil is only a part of an overall strategy to help prevent colon cancer, but it is also now firmly established that increasing your intake of Omega3 fats is also important to a wide range of other health considerations and can have significant heart health benefits.

So how do you increase your intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids? Fish is very expensive and is also generally contaminated with mercury and other toxins and the FDA tells us not to eat too much for this reason. These 2 facts combined mean that most of us eat way too little fish, and increasing our intake is risky and expensive.

However there are excellent fishoil tablets available which overcome these problems. Fish oil tablets are small capsules containing omega 3 fatty acids and the best fish oil tablets are completely contamination free and are much more cost-effective to be taken daily than increasing your intake of fish.

But the quality of fish oil tablets varies widely and in particular the amount of the active ingredients DHA and EPA can vary by a factor of 2 or 3 and for this reason it is very difficult to directly compare the prices of the different brands available.

So it would seem that the evidence is getting stronger of the health benefits of increasing your intake of Omega3 fats, including in helping to prevent bowel cancer. Clearly all of us should be eating more fish or, more conveniently and more cheaply, taking daily omega 3 supplements by way of fish oil tablets.

For this reason sales of fish oil tablets are increasing faster than any other supplement in history, and I have taken daily fish oil tablets for a long time. To find out which Omega 3 supplements are my choice visit my website. - 30310

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Natural Diabetes Cures And Remedies

By Jackie Michaels

Just like numerous other Americans, were you diagnosed with diabetes recently? It is a complicated condition and can be tacitly dangerous for life of individuals. Be informed that diabetes can be kept under control by you provided you follow the advice given to you by your physician or doctor, to name a few advices could be like losing weight and proper medication.

A couple of methods can be applied for keeping diabetes under control. Few Individuals take time to move from their denial stage. Many people refuse to believe that they have developed diabetes although it has become a national epidemic. Keeping your body in proper weight and keeping a check on the consumption of sweets are the two main precursors of diabetes.

Anyone can get diabetes and one reason for developing diabetes is inherited disorder. Your chances for developing diabetes are manifold if one of your blood line relative had first degree diabetes. Share the fact of your relative's history of being diabetic with your physician . This will aid in predetermining the risk involved for you to develop diabetes through various blood tests.

Type II diabetes detection means that first thing to do is getting yourself a blood sugar monitor to keep records of your sugar level on a daily basis. Doctors recommend you perform this test several times a day. Diet suggestions will be handed over to you and certain medications will be prescribed.

This is regretful that many people with type II diabetes avoid medication, have bad food habits and make no efforts to monitor their blood sugar levels. Monitoring the gylcemic index is one of the main things to do when controlling diabetes. For type II diabetes patients carbohydrates are not good and they should necessarily avoid them. This is on account of the fact that they will have a difficult time absorbing, breaking down sugar and starch in their system.

High glucose levels in a certain number of carbohydrates is the main reason that for breaking them down too much time is needed. Which carbohydrates tend to rank high in the glycemic index sheet should be noted carefully when monitoring the gylcemic index. Monitoring your sugar levels regularly, becoming aware of carbohydrates that tend to be high in the glycemic index, and taking your prescribed medication are of immense help in controlling your diabetes. - 30310

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Good Health And The Omega3 Omega 6 Ratio.

By Peter Bertonach

Perhaps you're already aware of the health benefits of essential fatty acids, and in particular Omega 3 fatty acids. There's been plenty of news lately about these health benefits and many people now understand about the importance of maintaining an adequate intake of Omega3 fats, in which most of us are deficient. But have you heard about Omega 6 fats, and do you know what the Omega 3 Omega 6 ratio is?

Essential fatty acids are good fats that we need for good health every day but which we cannot manufacture in our body and so need to obtain from our diet each day. Omega 3 fats are found primarily in fish, and over 90 percent of the US population is deficient in Omega 3 essential fatty acids.

However Omega 6 fatty acids are generally found in a range of plant-based food sources that we are not deficient in in our diet. You find Omega 6 fats in sunflower oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, corn oil and more, and soy oil is almost totally comprised of Omega 6 fatty acids.

Most of these vegetable oils are cheap and for this reason they are used extensively in a wide range of processed foods, including margarine, and as many of us eat plenty of processed foods, as well as vegetable oils, we generally consume too much Omega 6.

In the past, according to research, we ate roughly as much Omega 3 as Omega 6 fats. This produced an Omega 3 Omega 6 ratio around 1 to 1. But because of our dietary reliance on food sources such as vegetable oils and processed foods there are estimates suggesting that our Omega 6 Omega 3 ratio has changed to around 10 to 1, and some estimates are that it is now as high as 30 to 1. Most of us are eating way too much Omega 6 fatty acids.

Omega 6 essential fatty acids are equally important to our health however just as important is the Omega3 Omega 6 ratio, and over the past hundred years or so this is changed dramatically. By eating too much Omega 6 and too little Omega 3 we are all exposing ourselves to a wide range of health implications including the possibility of various cancers, coronary artery disease and a range of other inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.

Combine this with the fact that in the past most of our meat came from animals which were grass fed, and which therefore had a reasonable level of Omega3 fats, but most of our animals are now grain fed which reduces the levels of omega3 fats and increases the level of Omega 6 and you can see that there is no need at all for supplementation with 6.

For all these reasons we need to reduce our reliance on foods high in Omega 6. We can do this by changing our diet to a lower intake of processed foods and by changing our cooking oils from vegetable oils to healthy oils such as olive oil. And equally important is to increase our intake of Omega 3 and the single best way to do this is to take daily fish oil supplements.

Note that although fish oil supplements are extremely cost-effective not all are as good as others, you need to know how to compare the different fish oil supplements available to make an effective choice.

If you're interested in finding out more about the Omega 3 Omega 6 ratio, or about how to compare the different brands of fish oil capsules, then visit my website to do so. - 30310

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The Advantages Of Using Diabetic Shoes.

By Celestine Shelly

As a person suffering from Diabetes, you definitely need to consider using Diabetic Shoes, instead of your normal shoes. You will find these shoes to offer good feet support and they are quite comfortable to wear.

People from all walks of life, unfortunately succumb to this chronic disease. Diabetes can result in many complications, one of them being the way they affect your feet. Lets see how this happens?

Diabetes affects your feet because it affects your nervous system. The normal sensation and feelings that you have in your feet when it touches something is lost. If you wear shoes that are uncomfortable on your feet, this situation becomes worse. By wearing Diabetic Shoes, you can avoid such problems and carry out your daily tasks in much the same manner as you always did. You can go about doing your usual chores without ever worrying about your feet succumbing to problems from accidental injuries or normal exertions.

Diabetic Shoes can give you a certain definite benefits. Here is a look at what they are:

No more Calluses " One problem that often affects people with diabetes is Calluses. If Calluses are not properly trimmed they can become pretty thick and can result in ulcers.

No more Foot Ulcers " If you happen to wear ill-fitting shoes, your feet can easily get ulcers. In a diabetic person this is a dangerous problem. Foot ulcers usually form at the ball of the foot or on the toes. Neglect of this problem can result on you losing your feet completely. By wearing Diabetic Shoes, you get proper fitting shoes, that feel comfortable and which prevent ulcers from forming on your feet.

No more Scratches and Pinches " As a diabetic person wearing improper fitting shoes can cause scratches and pinches in your feet. Furthermore diabetes prevents you from having any sensation in your feet as so you wont notice it when it happens. By wearing Diabetic Shoes you can avoid this problem completely, as your feet is well protected by the shoe material.

More Feet Comfort " If you wear tight-fitting shoes, your feet has poor blood circulation. This problem worsens when you have diabetes. If you wear Diabetic Shoes, your feet enjoy better comfort levels and there is normal blood circulation in your feet.

More Air For Your Feet " Feet become clammy and are more prone to injuries when they are in closed shoes. Diabetic Shoes on the other hand, are very roomy. As a result, your feet are less prone to injuries caused because they are clammy with sweat.

Custom Made for your Feet - Diabetic Shoes can be custom-made or designed according to the specific mould of a person; feet. This feature offers high quality comfort and prevents your feet from succumbing to any accidental injuries. Most often the problem arises when you use shoes that dont fit well for your kind of feet. With Diabetic Shoes, this problem is eliminated because they can be custom-designed according to your feets shape, thus giving more comfort for your feet. - 30310

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Natural Diabetes Cures And Remedies

By Jackie Michaels

Just like numerous other Americans, were you diagnosed with diabetes recently? It is a complicated condition and can be tacitly dangerous for life of individuals. Be informed that diabetes can be kept under control by you provided you follow the advice given to you by your physician or doctor, to name a few advices could be like losing weight and proper medication.

There are a couple of ways of checking diabetes and some people take time to actuate from their denial stage. Several people decline to consider that they have diabetes although it has become a national epidemic. The two primary forerunners of diabetes are not being over weight and not consuming lots of sweets.

Diabetes is a common disease and can be attributed to hereditary characters. If any of your blood line relative had prime or first degree diabetes , risk for you is high for developing diabetes. Mention about your relative's diabetic history to your physician so that you could be tested for the risk factors.

If you have type II diabetes first thing to do for you is getting yourself a blood sugar monitor to keep records of your sugar level on a daily basis. Doctors advice to perform this test numerous times in a day especially after meals. Diet suggestions will be handed over to you and certain medications will be prescribed.

Many people with type II diabetes avoid medication, eat the wrong foods, and make no efforts to monitor their blood sugar levels. Monitoring the gylcemic index is one of the main things to do when controlling diabetes. Carbohydrates are not good for type II diabetes because it is difficult for these people to absorb, break down sugar and starch in their system so they should stay away from them.

Some carbohydrates take too much time in breaking down on account of high glucose levels. Be aware of the fact while monitoring the gylcemic index that which carbohydrates tend to rank high in the glycemic index sheet. Diabetes can be controlled by becoming aware of carbohydrates with high glucose levels, regularly monitoring your sugar levels and paying heed to proper medication. - 30310

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Discover Natural Cures For Diabetes

By Fred McCoy

One of the most common chronic conditions in the world, diabetes is characterized by abnormally high glucose levels in the blood. This disease refers to the body. 's inability to metabolize the human hormone insulin. The concentration of blood sugar can be controlled successfully even by those who were diagnosed with type II diabetes if they eat healthy, exercise and maintain a healthy body weight. Researchers from all over the world have identified a wide range of natural cures for diabetes having beneficial effects:

Burdock tea stimulates the rejuvenation of new cells, being also an effective diuretic. It lowers blood sugar levels and is recommended in some liver diseases. Burdock tea purifies the blood, improves digestion and has a soothing effect on the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

Panax ginseng is used as a natural treatment for stress, depression, anxiety, poor memory, mental and physical fatigue, convalescence, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, heart failure and type 2 diabetes. Ginseng root cures male sexual impotence, erectile disorders, and frigidity in women, arthritis, rheumatism and asthma. This plant also increases physical and intellectual performance, stimulating the body. 's resistance to stress and fatigue.

Aloe Vera is considered a natural miracle, because it lowers high cholesterol levels, eases inflammation and soothes arthritis pain, stabilizes blood sugar and reduces triglycerides in diabetics. Due to its healing proprieties, this plant replaces dozens of first aid products, boosts the oxygenation of the blood and cures ulcers.

Onion and garlic (Allium cepa and Allium Sativum) have antioxidant proprieties, slowing down the free radicals production. These plants help in lowering the blood lipids levels and have antihypertensive effect. Garlic and onion decrease blood glucose levels, having beneficial effects on diabetics.

As you see, natural cures for diabetes are safe and have no side effects. To reduce blood sugar levels, you can also use green tea, Bitter Melon Extract, vitamin C, chromium, magnesium, zinc, cinnamon, fenugreek, gymnema sylvestre and Banaba herbs. - 30310

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5 Easy Steps To Fat Loss For Women

By Richard Bernard

Ladies, if you have been trying different diets and failing at shedding weight or keeping it off, take a crack at these 5 suggestions for easy fat loss. Ironically, the less you resist, the easier it is to lose body fat and keep it off. Check out these tips and watch yourself shrink...with ease.

Five basic tips to ensure painless fat loss for women


You won't succeed at your weight loss goals if you do not have Inspiration. Inspiration is a persuasive, sustaining motive for you to continue to change your shoddy lifestyle for good in order to shed fat. What is your Inspiration? For many women it is love. They utilize the love and support of the ones they are nearest to and decide to lose fat in order to be a better mother or wife. For other women, it might be the joy of fitting into a desirable dress. While others employ a recent news health alert as motivation.

What moves you depends on you. Don't try to draw on someone else's drive as your own. Discover what makes you feel genuinely motivated. Utilize that as an incentive. It can be anything, including rare motivators such as charities. For example, various women promise a specific sum of money for every pound they lose to their designated charity. This is a incredibly effective motivator as it is tied to a higher principle and gives the giver a sense of joy as well as the enjoyment of fat loss.

No one distinct motivator is better than any other. The answer is to find something that motivates you and makes you feel passionate about it. Direct that energy into becoming your driving force for weight loss. That way, each time your deeply rooted, bad habits come a calling, you can remind yourself why you wanted to lose weight in the first place.


It might come as a shocker but a significant number of overweight women actually can't stand food. They can't bear how they are slaves to it and detest what it does to their bodies. They perceive food as the enemy. Some even look on food as an inaccessible lover that they alternatively love and hate. Detach yourself from this outlook. Try consuming the best of everything. This might mean consuming meals made out of completely fresh ingredients and beneficial oils. Relish the flavors of the food before you. Try assorted vegetables, cheese, herbs and seasonings. You will start to feel better almost immediately. It might be amazing for some that plenty of overweight women are actually malnourished. Their bodies lack important vitamins and minerals to keep them from feeling strong and alert. When you consume meals made from fresh ingredients, you go a long way towards helping to remedy these imbalances. Your body will actually start desiring these fresh foods.

In fact, try this little test. For the next four or five days, only eat meals that have been made with fresh ingredients. On the 5th or sixth day, try eating one of your old food choices. I promise that it won't taste as good. You might observe that it is excessively salty, fatty or excessively sweet. This can be an effective occurrence when you understand that your long-standing "addictions" are losing their grip on you.


This is a mammoth stumbling block for the typical, sedentary woman who begins an exercise plan. She tries overly hard, very quickly and then gives up. Not withstanding all the work out videos advertized on TV that you might be tempted to procure, put off on buying any new videos and try walking as a substitute. Walk for as long as you take pleasure in it. Just try to walk 5 days a week. That's all you need to do to get started. Don't be anxious about time or pace. Merely get going.

This will take away the demand for an exercise plan and will get you in the habit of moving more. As your body changes, you will yearn for more challenges and you can include more activities at that point. The point is to continuously pay heed to your body. This will guarantee stress free, long term fatt loss.


This is a main reason for diet failure among women. They read about the latest movie superstar's extraordinary weight loss (typically something absurd like sixty lbs in two months) and they want the same results. Please do not do this to yourself. These celebrities have great motivators (point one in this article) as well as educated chefs and fitness experts at their beck and call.

The normal female works a 40 hour week or longer, takes care of her children and helps out in her community. Accept that difference in lifestyle and commence making tiny changes everyday instead. For example, begin consuming more fruit and make use of mustard or ketchup instead of mayonnaise on your sandwich. These tiny changes daily, coupled with the points above is all you need to do to shift your weight and start dropping fat.


You do realize the time I am hinting about?. On average, a female puts on several quick lbs just before her menstrual period. Unluckily, this is the time of the month when you are inundated by self defeating feelings. Weighing yourself during this period will make you feel like an abject failure and will make you give up and lapse back to your previous bad habits. Even the most forceful motivators cannot work if you are feeling bloated and self defeated. Accept this and promise not to weigh or measure yourself for the period of this time. This way, you can get through your period and resume your good work on your fat loss goals instead of quitting. - 30310

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Weight Loss Patches - Do They Really Work?

By Richard Bernard

Utilizing Weight Loss Patches To Fight Obesity, Are They Authentic?

One of the international problems is being overweight or obese. It has reached an epidemic stage that need to be STOP. There are vital health conditions linked with obesity and these include gallbladder disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and osteoarthritis. The main cause for the obesity crisis is of course a sedentary lifestyle, not enough exercise and ingesting a lot of high calorie foods.

Millions of people all-around the earth turn to natural weight loss programs to help them shed weight, for example, training programs, natural supplement programs and even hypnotism. Weight loss patches is the program that we are going to talk about here.

What are weight loss patches?

They are one of the recent breakthroughs and innovative inventions to help people take off weight. They are perfect for folks who can't stand exercising as well as individuals who are absentminded in utilizing their weight loss pills. A weight loss patch is one of those little patches that is positioned on the wrist, arm or other smooth parts of your body. It is known as transdermal delivery in medical terminology.

It works by transferring herbal or medical nutrients through the dermal layers of the skin into the blood stream directly instead of being filtered through the liver. The goal is to impart a steady prescribed amount of medication over an extended period of time. Once it is in your bloodstream, it will raise your metabolism, burn extra calories and reduce your appetite resulting in natural weight loss.

With weight loss patches, you will undergo fewer hunger pangs and other symptoms normally linked with weight loss, and jump-start your metabolism, considerably increasing your body's ability to burn fat.

There are numerous kinds or brands of weight loss patches on the internet. The question is how do you know which one is right for you?

You will never know without trying it out for yourself. Losing weight is a resolution not to be taken flippantly. It requires a lot of commitment and sacrifices from each person hoping to take off weight.

Learn the secrets from folks who have succeeded and not from those who have failed. Taking the first step is certainly difficult but once you put in a small effort, anything is possible. - 30310

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Controlling High Blood Pressure With Chelation Therapy

By Anju Mathur, MD

Blood pressure has two measurements - systolic, which is pressure of blood against artery walls when the heart pumps, and diastolic, which is pressure when the heart is at rest. When blood pressure is higher than--0/90 that is considered high blood pressure or hypertension. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 or lower. High blood pressure occurs because the flow of blood encounters resistance in the arteries.

High blood pressure is called "the silent killer," because there are no symptoms and often people do not know they have it, although one in three American adults have high blood pressure. As the heart beats harder to force blood through the arteries, the heart itself increases in size and that means less efficiency. If high blood pressure is not handled, it can cause damage to kidneys and other delicate tissues as well as increase risk of heart attack and stroke.

Calcium, cholesterol and various minerals can form deposits inside blood vessels, making them smaller and sometimes completely stopped up. This process, which increases blood pressure because it slows blood flow, has several names - hardening of the arteries, arterial plaque build up, arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis.

Medications prescribed by traditional doctors can lower blood pressure. But they do nothing to handle the cause of the high blood pressure and all drugs have side effects. When drugs are not effective, doctors tend to just prescribe more drugs, which still only treat the symptom, not the cause. And side effects expand.

There is another solution. Chelation therapy is not new - it was invented in the early 20th century to remove heavy metals from the body and it is still a valid therapy for such. An IV drip is used to stream specific chemical compounds into the blood. To assist the heart and lower blood pressure, the agent used is EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acetate acid).

One theory about why chelation works is that the agent (EDTA) binds calcium and other minerals to itself and allows them to pass out of the body, which improves the condition of the arteries. The second theory about why it works is that EDTA attaches itself to free radicals, which can cause a lot of tissue damage, and allows these free radicals to be eliminated.

As an added benefit, EDTA chelation has blood-thinning effects and discourages the formation of potentially dangerous blood clots that can cause a heart attack or stroke.

Increasing blood circulation by chelation therapy is definitely the safest way of controlling high blood pressure. It is a tested and effective cure. - 30310

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Lowering High Blood Pressure Is Vital

By Kathy Forcey

There are many ways of lowering high blood pressure if you should suffer from hypertension. High blood pressure means that the pressure in your arteries is higher then normal, normal blood pressure is 120/80 or lower and high blood pressure is anything above--0/90.

The blood pressure measurement is a combination of the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. When the heart contracts the systolic pressure measures the force of blood in the arteries and the diastolic pressure measures the force of the blood in the arteries while the heart pauses to rest after each beat. The combination of these two give your blood pressure.

It is important to lower your blood pressure because it can cause an increase in the chances of developing or having a stroke, eye damage, brain damage, heart disease, kidney disease and/or a hardening of arteries. You need to keep track of your blood pressure because many people do not experience symptoms and organ failure is a very real possibility which occurs as a result of prolonged and untreated high blood pressure.

Once diagnosed, there are several options available to for lowering high blood pressure. As a first step you can make some lifestyle changes which include eating a healthy diet. The types of food you eat will affect your blood pressure and switching your diet to high in fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts and low in fatty foods, red meat and dairy products is recommended. Consuming too much salt can lead to high blood pressure so cutting out sodium can also help.

Being overweight will also increase your blood pressure so maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight can help your blood pressure. Drinking too much alcohol and smoking have also been known to increase your blood pressure thus stopping smoking and reducing your alcohol consumption can decrease your high blood pressure.

You can use medically-prescribed drugs for lowering high blood pressure as most medications are very effective. Beta-blockers lower blood pressure by causing your heart to relax and beat slower. Diuretics work on the kidneys instead of the heart and flush out excess water and salt that may be causing your high blood pressure. Sometimes high blood pressure can be caused by hormones and if this is the cause then a hormone inhibitor called angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor can be used.

Calcium channel blockers stop calcium from entering muscle cells in the heart which causes the heart and blood vessels to relax. Alpha blockers reduce nerve control of the blood vessels so blood can easily flow through the vessels. Alpha-beta-blockers work just like alpha blockers but they also slow down your heart so less blood is pumped through the blood vessels. - 30310

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Some Of The Advantages Of Using Orthopedic Shoes.

By Chadwick Gabby

If you are suffering from painful feet problem constantly, consider using Orthopedic Shoes for relief from such pain and discomfort. You may think; orthopedic Shoes aren't they meant for the elderly and don't they look really drab? Well, not any more.

You can find Orthopedic Shoes coming in many different varieties now-a-days. These shoes really look good. They come in different sizes and are available for both men as well as women. No longer do you have to put up with wearing drab Orthopedic Shoes. It is quite surprising to see then designed in such fashionable styles.

There are many factors to consider when opting for Orthopedic Shoes so that you buy the right one. Here is a look at a couple of tips on this:

Shoes must offer a good amount of space and must be wide. This way you have good comfort while wearing them and in carrying out your daily activities with them.

Check if the pair you select has hook-and-loop closures so that they fit nicely on your feet. This type of closure also helps to prevent friction.

Shoe heel must be firm. This feature gives good grip and also feet comfort while walking.

The outsole of the shoe must be made out of rubber to prevent slipping.

Insoles of the shoes must be removable type so that you can give more specs to your feet if required.

The shoes must not have high heels. Maximum size of heels should be just /4 - 1 1/2 inches.

In case you suffer from Bunions, selecting shoes with Spandex upper stretches can be very helpful.

Select shoes with flared outsoles so that you have more stability while walking,

Those who suffer from foot pain at the ball of the feet should check for Orthopedic Shoes which have polyurethane rocker sole. This feature helps to considerably reduce such discomfort.

If you look into the above points when selecting your Orthopedic Shoes, you can find one that suits your requirements and which also eliminates the problem of painful feet. Painful feet can considerably disrupt your every day routine. You will be so disturbed by them that you can't even walk for a five minutes without them getting at you severely.

Often, the reason why painful feet problems arise is because of poor choice of shoes and also because of neglect of the problem. People are often seen to take up stylish and fashionable shoes, because they want something that is attractive looking and in doing so they fail to check up on the comfort level provided by the shoes. Issues like Corns, Hammertoes, Bunions and other such problems are difficult to deal with on a daily basis. Wearing correct Orthopedic Shoes will enable you to perform your everyday activities with more energy comfort, and you don't have to put up with painful feet problems when you finish your day. Not only will your feet be well protected, you can completely eliminate problems associated with neglected painful feet. - 30310

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Diabetes Remedies That Work

By Thomas Wilson

What precisely constitutes diabetes and how come is it such a dreadful disease that it is often named as the "silent killer" ? Diabetes happens when there are high degree of blood glucose levels caused due to the positional levels of insulin. As these levels go down too low, a condition known as diabetes forms.

The common discourse for diabetes comprises of adopting healthy eating habits, following an exercise schedule and using insulin by injection,pen, or an insulin pump. One should essentially monitor his blood sugar readings frequently throughout the day. An individual with Type II diabetes may need oral medication in addition to the insulin to check and administer blood glucose levels.

Persons who refrain from taking Insulin and thus avoiding Injection Needles at regular intervals in a day have to watch out for listed out natural discourses for diabetes. Some of the treatments which may grab your attention are explained here.

Prominently ahead of many methods for the natural treatment of Diabetes is Massage. A variety of techniques encompassing massage are used on diabetics which makes it a front runner discourse. Improvement in the circulation of blood and eliminating the presence of unwanted toxins from the body of a diabetic person has been made possible through the use of advanced massaging techniques.

Mud pack can be a handy treatment for diabetes.Mud packs are used extensively. Human Body's endocrine system or digestive system has an organ in which an over-accumulation of toxins takes place resulting in Diabetes. These toxins can be removed by using the mud packs. Nervous system is effectively cooled down by the mud packs.

Detoxification is another effective treatment. It is essential for you to get a controlled diet program from your medico or health agency . Possibly it is a requirement to use supplements along with the diet so as to do away with the toxins in your body. There are numerous of detoxification diet plans available . Nonetheless, to get rid of your diabetes, you must abide by these diet plans to the letter.

Unconventional Healing program of this kind is good to treat diabetes but these suggestions should only be adopted after consulting your Doctor. In charge of your health is nobody other than you, and whether these discourses can be handy for you can very well be advised by your doctor. - 30310

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Can You Lower Blood Pressure With Fish Oil?

By Peter Bertonach

The health benefits to your heart from increasing your intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids found in fish oil are well established and the American Heart Association now recommends a minimum intake of Omega3 fats for everyone for these reasons. These health benefits apply to such risks as cardiovascular disease, but today let's examine whether there is a fish oil blood pressure link, or whether increasing your intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids can lower high blood pressure.

High blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension, affects many people in our population. Particularly those who are overweight can suffer from high blood pressure and may well spend years on drugs designed to lower blood pressure. If there is an omega 3 blood pressure link this may be good news to many people.

Studies have shown a clear link between fish oil and lowering bloodpressure. One study, of 120 subjects, split the subjects into 5 groups and supplemented their diet with varying combinations of fish or fish oil supplements, or both, or a placebo, and concluded that supplementation with omega 3 lowers blood pressure.

There are 2 principal omega 3 essential fatty acids. These are called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). A further study concluded that it is primarily the DHA which is responsible for reducing hypertension.

Overweight people have higher risks of hypertension as well as coronary heart disease and a third study examined the role of omega 3 in lowering blood pressure in overweight people. This study also concluded that fish oil could help lower blood pressure for overweight people and, when combined with an appropriate weight loss regime, would help "substantially" in lowering reliance on antihypertensive drugs for those already reliant on those drugs.

There is a wide range of health benefits from increasing your intake of omega 3 and these benefits now extend to lowering hyperension. However there are sufficient heart and health benefits from increasing your intake of omega 3 fatty acids that even those with no incidence of hypertension have a wide range of health benefits available to them from increasing fish oil intake. This includes reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as increasing mental acuity and memory and reducing the risk of a range of age related diseases, and more.

The science is in on the heart benefits of increasing your intake of Omega3 fats in the American Heart Association tells us all to do this, given that over 90 percent of us have a deficient intake of omega 3. This is now more important for anyone with hypertension.

It is clear there is a fish oil blood pressure link. Increasing your intake of essential fatty acids can help lower blood pressure and may also help reduce your reliance on antihypertensive drugs.

The question remains about the best way to increase your intake of omega 3. Fish is generally contaminated with mercury and the FDA recommends that we limit our intake for this reason. And fish is expensive.

But it is perfectly adequate and indeed preferable, and very cost effective to take daily omega 3 supplements, and the best ones are contamination free, though there is a wide variation in the quality of the different brands.

I have examined the range of fish oil capsules available carefully. Visit my website to find out which Omega 3 supplements I choose for myself and my family. - 30310

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Are You Ready To Lose That Fat Belly?

By Kathy Forcey

The big question for thousands of people is not just how to get skinny, but how to your belly fat and get the slim appearance they dream of maintaining. There are so many health dangers lurking in the future of those who maintain a large waist that it is downright scary. So, how do you actually stop daydreaming and start really losing belly fat?

Let's face the facts. If there really were a magical pill or secret shake that could melt away belly fat quickly, then you would have discovered it by now. It would have been on the evening news and everyone would be lining up to get it already. There just isn't a secret cure to excess stomach fat.

The fact is that there is no big secret just waiting to be discovered. It has in fact already been discovered and reported to exhaustion with few people actually listening. The most effective means of losing body fat is and always has been to stop eating more than you need and to engage in physical activity.

The sweat part of the equation is a matter of doing cardio exercises regularly. This is what will start the process of actually burning of stored fat in your body, as long as you are consuming fewer calories than your body needs to function and power through those workouts. When your body has burned off everything you fed it at the current moment and it is presented with a half hour jog, the natural response will be to dig into those stored fat cells and start burning the reserve fuel stores and create the energy it needs to function.

While most people find that they do start losing at least some fat from the belly first, there is no way to force the body to pull from that area first. So doing exercises that only target the stomach won't be the answer. You need to have a program of exercise that works the entire body to begin losing fat.

How to lose your belly fat through food control is simply by not adding any more fat to your body. Processed foods that are high in sugar and refined grains such as white pasta and bread are extremely likely to be stored as fat in the body. Instead, go with fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and limited portions of whole grains.

Instead of wasting your time looking for a miracle, just learn how to lose your belly fat the natural way and work with your body, rather than against it. Give it the proper nutrition and get your heart rate up and you'll be showing off your toned and trim body soon. - 30310

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Is It Possible to Lower Triglycerides Taking Omega 3 Supplements?

By Peter Bertonach

The benefits of omega 3 essential fatty acids, primarily DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), are well known, and in particular the heart benefits of omega 3 fats. However for people with high triglycerides there is another reason to increase the amount of omega 3 fats in a diet to lower triglycerides.

Almost all of us eat a diet that is too low in the essential fatty acids known as omega 3 fats. These are found in fish oil and the research has clearly established that by increasing the amount of fish oil in our diet we improve our heart health and also attract a range of other health benefits.

Some of the most important benefits from fish oil supplementation include a reduction in blood pressure, a reduction in the growth of plaque in the arteries and a reduction in the risk of fatal heart attack. And this now includes lowering triglycerides.

Triglycerides are a fat that is found in your blood and which your body manufactures from the food that you eat. High triglycerides increases the risk of death and are basically linked to coronary artery disease. High triglycerides can also be linked to other diseases like diabetes.

A diet with high levels of saturated fat intake can increase triglyceride levels as can a diet of high sugar foods. Risk factors also include being overweight and drinking too much alcohol.

So lowering triglycerides is very important for many people.

There's a number of things that help lower triglycerides. These include reducing the amount of saturated fat in your diet, exercising more, eating less sugary foods, losing weight and reducing alcohol intake.

However research is now showing that increasing your intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids found in fish oil is also important in a strategy to lower triglycerides.

"A dose-response relationship exists between omega-3 fatty acid intake and triglyceride lowering" is just one of the statements on the website of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Another one is that "omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil decreased serum triglyceride concentrations by 25% to 30%,". These show a clear link between adequate levels of Omega3 intake and triglyceride lowering.

It is clear that increasing the intake of Omega3 fats has a role in lowering triglycerides and for this reason the American Heart Association recommends minimum levels of DHA and EPA of 2 to 4 grams per day by way of fish oil supplements under the care of a physician for people with high triglycerides.

This is excellent news for anyone struggling with high triglycerides.

And there is also powerful evidence of a wide range of other health benefits from increasing your intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids, and for these reasons everyone, including people with high triglycerides, should seek to maintain a minimum level of fish oil in the diet.

Of course it is simple to eat more fish but unfortunately fish is contaminated with mercury and is generally very expensive. There are excellent fish oil supplements available which are not contaminated and which can be taken daily very cost effectively. Note however that not all fish oil supplements are of high quality.

Visit my website to find out how to compare the various fish oil supplements available, (and which ones I take myself). - 30310

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A Great Diet for Diabetics

By Karl Graus

Diabetes is a disease that is marked by higher than normal levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood stream. This is caused by many different things : your body's resistance to insulin, or a pancreas that doesn't generate the proper amount of insulin for you to function properly. Insulin is a hormone that the body uses to convert glucose into energy. No matter how your diabetes is caused, you have to be able to control your blood sugar levels in order to keep yourself from falling into a diabetic coma. There has been some disagreement in the past about what constitutes the best diet for diabetics.

The common conceit for people with diabetes was that they couldn't eat sugar and carbs at all, or risk serious health problems. Sugar was considered to be the worst offender because it is more easily broken down into glucose, therefore it gets into the bloodstream faster than other carbohydrates. Many artificial sweeteners have been created as sugar substitutes for diabetics' dietary needs.

Currently, physicians understand that sugar and carbs are simply everywhere, so it is unrealistic to expect diabetics to avoid them completely. There are some brands of artificial sweeteners that don't add any calories or carbohydrates to food, but it's important to remember that just because a food is sugar-free doesn't guarantee it is safe for diabetics.

Bottom line, the best diet for diabetics is identical to the best diet for people who are not diabetics. It's a fact that the diagnosis of diabetes shouldn't prevent people from eating all of the foods they enjoy most. The thing to remember is that a diabetic's daily carbohydrate consumption should be diligently monitored. Carbohydrates consist of both sugars and starches, so foods like pasta and potatoes need to be limited just as much as sweet, sugary foods.

A diabetic's diet should also work to incorporate an increased number of vegetables and fruits. Fruit and veggies contain natural sugars that can be used by the body but are just enough unlike glucose to stop them from raising the blood glucose level. Also, they have more fiber, which is not only instrumental in helping the body get rid of waste, it also makes you feel full, which leads to lower calorie consumption.

It used to be said that diabetic meals should be prepared separately from non-diabetic meals; this is not true and has been debunked. Basically, a diet for diabetics doesn't have to be different than anyone else's in their family, as long as they are careful. All diets should be balanced, rich in fruits and vegetables, and nclude protein and a moderate amount of starches, and very little fat. - 30310

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Diet For Diabetics

By Karl Graus

When you have diabetes, you have more glucose in your blood stream than the normal human bring. Diabetes can be caused by a person's body being resistant to insulin (a hormone responsible for metabolizing glucose), or if a person's pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to sustain bodily functions. No matter the cause, you needs to control the level of sugar in your bloodstream, or else you can suffer from serious health concerns, among them the potential of entering into a coma. The best diet for diabetics is a topic that has caused a lot of arguments and debate.

For years, the prevailing wisdom was that diabetics should strictly avoid foods high in sugar and other carbohydrates. Because sugar is very easily and quickly turned into glucose in the bloodstream, it was usually thought to be the more harmful thing for the body. Now, many diabetics replace sugar in their diet with the various artificial sweeteners that have been developed.

Nowadays, that thought process has been relaxed a bit, as physicians have come to terms with a diabetic's inevitable exposure to sugar at some point. There are some brands of artificial sweeteners that don't add any calories or carbohydrates to food, but it's important to remember that just because a food is sugar-free doesn't guarantee it is safe for diabetics.

In all honesty, the best diet for diabetics is the same as the best diet for other members of the family. It's entirely possible for diabetics to eat anything they like within reason. The difference is that extra care should be taken to monitor and limit the number of carbohydrates consumed in each day. You have to look out for potatoes and pasta as much as sugary, sweet foods, as carbohydrates have sugars and starches in them as well.

The best decision is to add more fresh fruits and vegetables to one's diet. These foods include natural sugars that the body can use but are different from glucose in enough ways to keep them from increasing the blood glucose level. In addition, they contain more fiber, which helps the body to eliminate waste better and make the person feel full so that fewer calories are consumed.

The myth that diabetic meals should be prepared separately from the rest of the family has been disproven. Basically, a diet for diabetics doesn't have to be different than anyone else's in their family, as long as they are careful. This includes many vegetables and fruits, and a balanced intake of starches and proteins, as well as the occasional fat. - 30310

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Some Things Regarding Diabetic Shoes.

By Tyreek Deonte

Diabetes is a chronic illness in which your body cannot process the sugar intake. Normally when you intake sugar, your system breaks the sugar into glucose, which then circulates around the body waiting to be absorbed by cells. In a diabetic person, this absorption by cells does not happen. The result is that blood sugar levels in the body become high. This leads to several complications. One of the complications experienced by a diabetic person is problem in their feet. Let's take a closer look at how diabetes affects you feet.

Diabetes causes nerve damage in the extremities. This means areas such as your feet loose sensation as a result of diabetes. So, if you accidentally scratch your feet while walking, you won't feel the problem because you cannot sense it.

Small scratches left unattended can lead to big one like ulcerations, Calluses and in the worst case, your feet has to be amputated. Most often the problem begins with wearing wrong shoes. As a diabetic person, you must understand that normal shoes are not good enough for you. What you really need is to use Diabetic Shoes.

Diabetic Shoes are specially designed for dealing with the problem that an happens when a person with diabetes exerts pressure on their foot, while doing their regular activities. These shoes are wide in the base and also deeper than the normal shoes seen in the market. When wearing Diabetic Shoes your feet will feel more comfortable and you do not have to worry about any accidental injuries to your feet. They will protect your feet at all time and will ensure that your feet do not get hurt when you apply any normal pressure while walking or while doing any other routine activities.

You can see two types of Diabetic Shoes in the market. One is the Custom Molded variety and the other is the Depth Shoes. Custom Shoes are made specifically according to the shape of the person's feet. The shoe's curve and design follows the wearer's feet shape.

It has inserts that can be used or removed according to the convenience of the wearer. These shoes are made from leather and other similar kind of material. Mostly the shoes have Velcro openings. On the other hand, depth shoes have a liner which runs from the toe section to the heel section. These are not designed according to the shape of the wearer's feet, but they have all the qualities necessary for comfortable walk and feet protection. These shoes are also made from leather and have Velcro openings.

As someone with Diabetes, it is important for you to buy and regularly use only Diabetic shoes. Depending on what you want and what you are comfortable with, you can choose either a depth shoe or a custom made shoe. With such shoes you can be sure of protecting your feet against elements that can cause serious foot injury. - 30310

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Top 5 Most Effective Diet Pills For Effortless Weight Loss

By Richard Bernard

There are so many different weight loss tablets and diet supplements obtainable online that it is well-nigh impossible to sort out the useful ones, the ones that truly work and benefit people, and the terrible ones. Those that do not work and are a complete waste of cash.

The odd thing is that the worthless diet pill products prevail in number over the first-class ones. This is owing to the fact that they do not need any time for testing on a new crappy weight loss product. Just wrap it up in a shiny container with a catchy name and a group of unknown herbal and healthy ingredients listed on the package and you are through. Ready for the next great weight loss concoction? Have you've got loads of time.

This is pretty much how the con job works But do not fall into the snare of the quantity of ingredients, the catchy name of the product, or the numerous ads you see all over the place, or the amount that are said to be sold already. All these stand for naught, so don't permit them to cloud your judgement and to end up procuring some crappy product that promises magic weight loss results over night.

To the contrary - high-quality weight loss products are made of herbal and originally grown herbs, or else from imported ones from China, Japan, Africa and other parts of the planet specializing in unique herbs. The chemical tests and breakdown of the ingredients and their composition takes time. The tests on the final product also takes time.

Indeed, it may well take a couple of years before a good diet product actually enters the marketplace. but when it does you can be 100% certain that this weight loss product is completely safe and features unique properties that can help you drop weight successfully without side effects.

This is the plus of the first-rate diet pills. The superiority and the tests that demonstrate they truly work and the assured safe weight loss effect. Let's get to the crux of the matter. Which weight loss diet pills really warrant your awareness and are not merely hype and also are confirmed to work and have certificates for utmost quality. Well scientists are performing tests and investigations all the time, and here is what is suggested:

(1)Hoodia Gordonii Plus

This is positively the Number one most effectual appetite suppressant ever created from the original African Hoodia cactus. However that is not all, it is also an excellent metabolism elevater, fat burner and energy enhancer. What else do you need to lose weight, burn fat and feel full of energy?...Nada. Hoodia Gordonii Plus thermogenic ingredients will aid you all through your weight loss journey.

(2)Hoodia Chaser

Many individuals select this liquid form of real Hoodia Gordonii extract, as it is much faster absorbed into your body and begins working instantly. It is much better than the Hoodia Gordonii Plus tablets, when time to take effect is important. Only a few drops of the Hoodia Chaser liquid diminishes your hunger within a few minutes.

Which form should you go for, the pills or the liquid?.... it's up to you. In each case you get what you are paying for, successful and safe weight loss results without feeling starved and a bad disposition.

(3)Avatrim Dietary Supplement

Avatrim is the newest hit on the market for diet products containing green tea. It's no wonder, however. The Green Tea 300 weight loss diet is departed for good and now is time for the recently improved product...Avatrim dietary supplement.

It has a very unique blend that contains authentic green tea extract shared with vitamins, amino acids and other natural and very potent thermogenic ingredients that are clinically confirmed to help you take off weight.

Do you recollect how green tea extract works? It increases your body's metabolism and energy use, which increases weight reduction and fat burning. All of this applies to Avatrim as well, so you still can have the foods you crave, while trimming down the extra weight with Avatrim dietary supplement.

(4)Dietrine Carb Blocker

Whatever the meal you've consume, Dietrine Carb Blocker will block the absorption of up to 1125 calories from fat and carbohydrates in the fare. Merely take 1 Dietrine Capsule before meals and enjoy your cuisine.

This weight loss diet formula is for any one who finds it a challenge to cut down on scrumptious foods stuffed with carbohydrates. Yes, believe it or not you still can have your much desired carb foods without feeling guilty about it, as long as you use the Dietrine Carb Blocker. Losing pounds can be yummy with this super carb blocker diet pill.

(5)Hoodia Balance

Yet another Hoodia Gordonii weight loss pill? Oh, come on, there are two already on this list...this is what some of you may say. But hold on, this is not just a regular Hoodia pill, this diet pill contains 750MG of 100% pure South African Hoodia, protected by valid certificates. What a high concentration of the active ingredient. Well, this is Hoodia Balance, feel free to take a crack at it and I promise you won't be sorry!

In conclusion

These are the 5 most successful weight loss diet pills (and drops) offered on the market today. They are being used by countless individuals like you, who are trying to reduce weight safely and keep it off for ever.

Now you can stop searching for the best weight loss pills, because here they are, just choose the one that fits your needs. - 30310

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The Idea Behind Orthopedic Shoes.

By Kemp Darby

Try out Orthopedic Shoes to relieve yourself of recurrent foot pain. When you work the whole day, what takes the burden of your work activities is your feet. Most people experience feet pain because they buy improper fitting shoes. Such shoes cause constant pain. Free yourself of such problems by wearing Orthopedic Shoes.

Here is a look into the conditions under which you can use Orthopedic Shoes:

If your toes are painful due to problem such as Bunions and Hammertoes, you need to wear Orthopedic Shoes. You will find considerable relief from such feet problem by wearing such shoes.

Women, most often, prefer wearing high heels because it makes them look so stylish. Of course, such shoes bring along painful feet problems, particularly in the ball of the foot. This pain can in due course spread elsewhere. Opt for good looking Orthopedic Shoes instead and not only will you have stylish footwear, you also enjoy wearing shoes that are comfortable on your feet.

Many-a-times people choose shoes based on the style of the shoe's design. They don' bother to note if the shoes are ill-fitting. The result of compromising with such ill-flitting shoes is that corns and calluses can easily form on the feet. Orthopedic Shoes will fit well on your feet and offer good comfort for it.

People who are very much into physical activities and sports exert a lot of pressure on their feet. The result is that they suffer deep pain in their heels in the form of heel pain or heel spurs. Orthopedic Shoes will give considerable respite from foot problems, in such situations.

When you choose the right pair of Orthopedic Shoes, you don't have to put up with painful feet problems anymore. You can carry out more activities in less period of time by using such shoes.

If you happen to work in a place that is very slippery, Orthopedic Shoes will offer the perfect support for you. This is because these shoes have good anti-slippery features, which offer a good feet grip.

Formerly Orthopedic Shoes were given only to people with certain problematic foot conditions or to the elderly. Now they are available for everyone to wear. Special Orthopedic Shoes are available for both men and women. There is quite a range available here and you can choose one depending on the find of comfort and space they offer for your feet.

Before you select any particular Orthopedic Shoes, completely check out the pair you wish to buy. Wear them and see how well they fit into your feet. Look to find of they are made from comfortable material and if they can be opened and closed easily. You can also get Orthopedic Shoes custom-made for yourself if required. These will be more suiting to your feet because they are designed specially according to your feet contours.

If you want to relieve yourself of feet problem immediately, consider buying Orthopedic Shoes right away. When you do not attend to your feet problems, they can cause considerable problems at a later time. Wearing Orthopedic Shoes can prevent such complications from arising and you can carry out your daily routines like you always did, without any feet pain or discomfort. - 30310

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What Are The Causes Of Diabetes?

By Jason Williams

You may essentially want to know what causes diabetes if you have been diagnosed with it, or you have apprehensions of developing it. Earlier times nobody knew about the causes of diabetes, but putting in ten years of research we do now know about the causes of diabetes, and in most of the cases, how to control and prevent it.

Once it was believed that the major and leading cause of diabetes is inheriting it through one's blood line. It still can be said to be the major cause but not the leading cause any more. In the generation before you specially in the direct blood line, if somone has diabetes, it connotes that higher is the chance for you to develop diabetes.

Now after research the leading cause of diabetes which has been ascertained is the overweight body of an individual. Overweight body leads to enhanced resistance to insulin which is certainly true when your BMI, or Body Mass Index is in excess of 30%. Measure the waist if you don't have an idea about your BMI. A waistline more than 35 inches in females and 40 inches in males is an indication of higher chances of developing diabetes.

Eating a poor diet is a cause of diabetes whether you are overweight or not. You are at more risk if your diet is not high in protein and fiber. A lifestyle with less or no physical activity is also a concern. Exercise schedule should be such that you work out at least three times in a week, for half an hour each time and preferably it would be better if could be 30 minutes per day, five days a week.

Modern explorations have brought out the truth that infections, such as strephylococci, can as well contribute to developing diabetes. Age is being blamed as well. With increasing age , your chances of acquiring diabetes step-up. Moreover, just as diabetes can lead to high blood pressure, aching from hypertension can lead to diabetes. There are a number of drugs that can actually lead to the causes of development of diabetes, such as Clozapine, Risperidone, Olanzapine, Ziprasidone, and Quetiapine.

If you find out that any of the following conditions relates to you then at once you should speak to your doctor for clarification. Changes in lifestyle can also assist in restraining the development of diabetes. If you are suspecting something then speak to your doctor who may check for problems if any. - 30310

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Natural Treatments For High Blood Pressure Are Available

By Bart Forcey

It is estimated by the American Heart Association that one in every three adult Americans suffer from high blood pressure. However, a large majority of these Americans are not aware that they are ill. Common symptoms of high blood pressure like headaches can also seem relatively minor and are largely dismissed as mere annoyances. If you have a family history of high blood pressure, it is good to know that natural treatment for high blood pressure is available that you can start right now to prevent high blood pressure.

The Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has a major part in the cardiovascular system. The enzyme provides the heart with energy. The enzyme, naturally produced by the body, creates energy within the cells. However, production has been found to be less in those who suffer from hypertension. Research shows that CoQ10 reduces both systolic and diabolic pressures. CoQ10 should be used in combination with other treatments. It is also necessary to see a doctor before start these treatments.

Garlic has long been used to treat high blood pressure. A natural blood thinner, garlic may negatively interact with other medication. Therefore, it should only be used under the supervision of a health care professional. Recent research has also been conducted on hawthorn. Hawthorn is a natural herb that naturally dilates the arteries and thus improves circulation. The studies show that this natural treatment has a mild affect on both the systolic and diastolic pressure.

Fish oil has a minor effect on hypertension. Although the FDA has not approved this supplement, the key ingredient, DHA (docohexaenoic acid), has been proven effective in the reduction of overall blood pressure. Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is a water soluble substance. It can not be stored within the body, therefore, a constant supply is necessary to maintain proper levels within the human system. It has been shown to reduce the homocysteine levels in some people with high blood pressure.

Several minerals that can be used for the reduction and prevention of heart disease are magnesium, calcium and potassium. Potassium reduces the body's sodium levels. Calcium and magnesium work in conjunction with each other to lower the risk of high blood pressure. These minerals are found in the foods we eat, but supplementation may be needed to work as a natural treatment for high blood pressure.

Diet plays a huge role in controlling high blood pressure. All of the healthy supplements can be found naturally within certain foods. However, the NIH have developed two nutritional plans as dietary approaches to stop hypertension. These diets are known as DASH and DASH sodium. The second version lessens sodium intake by 1500 mg per day.

Several natural remedies can also be used to reduce and prevent high blood pressure. These remedies include exercise, breathing techniques, biofeedback and non-traditional medicinal techniques from the Far East. All natural treatments for high blood pressure should be monitored by a physician. - 30310

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